Chapter 20 - Boss's Orders

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Rays of sunlight forced themselves past the gap between the curtains and rudely awoke me from my peaceful slumber. I lazily rubbed over my eyes. Where even was I? My eye had just caught a black piece of lace dangling from the bedpost, when searing pain shot through my skull. 

A deep groan pushed past my chapped lips. If I never have to drink that fruity vodka shit again it will be too soon.

I tried standing, which proved quite difficult due to the fact that the room decided to spontaneously start spinning. Glob. I hate you, vodka, even though your cherry goodness comes from heaven. 

At least I woke up alone. I was absolutely not in the right state of mind to accurately respond to whatever the hell I did with whomever's room this was. Judging by the brick-like black boots on the floor though, the room could only belong to one person. 

I fled the room before I could hang myself with the bra dangling from the bedpost. My trip down the stairs was going quite well, up until I slipped on a beer spill - I really hoped it was a beer spill - and almost face planted into the hardwood floor. Lucky for me, Liam walked out of his room at that exact moment. 

"Whoa there, are you alright?" he asked in such a way that one would think he caught airborne girls everyday. 

His shoulder knocked the wind from me, effectively making it in impossible to reply. I managed to raise both thumbs in response, though. He laughed as I scrambled out of his grip. 

"Thanks" I said as soon as my lungs finally regained the ability to process the oxygen it was receiving. 

He made for the kitchen, so I followed. That also proved difficult due to the fact that most of the party goers decided to crash on the floor for the night. Just because it was difficult didn't make it unfunny though. By the time we reached the kitchen both of us were laughing hysterically.

"Did you see the guy who fell asleep on the little coffee table? I can guarantee that he is going to have a killer backache for weeks," Liam said on his way to the nearest cabinet. 

The laughing just made the pain in my head worse, but I couldn't help it. Liam grabbed some aspirin and a bottle of water from the fridge and handed it to me. 

"Yeah, and the boy sleep-standing against the wall? Who even does that," I replied. 

Liam barked a laugh and made his way over to the coffee machine. State of the art of course. I downed the pills and the water. So clean. Much detox. Very healthy. 

"That's nothing. What about the girl who fell asleep while giving head?" he laughed.

It was a good thing I swallowed the last of my water, because I had absolutely no control over the spontaneous laughter bubbling up my throat. 

"Talking about giving head, I vaguely remember a certain punk making out of with a certain soon-to-be-doctor. You remember that, Payne?" I asked, peeking at him over the top of my coffee mug. His smile was so infectious, I had no choice but to return it. 

"I don't know, maybe," he mocked in a textbook I'm-about-to-spill-the-shit-out-of-this-story teenage girl voice. 

"Please do tell," I gushed, just after I had squealed for like ten straight minutes. 

"Let's just say the complication has been removed," he replied, his gaze dropping down to his hands. 

"Oh, and how did that happen?" I asked, my eyebrow arched in confusion. 

"The mission changed."

The moment the words left his mouth, the faraway expression on his face faded and his eyes immediately found a random focus point in the corner of the room. I frowned.

What in the was he talking about?

"What do you ... "

Before I could  finish though, in came a random Harry. He took the coffee cup from my hands, placed it on the counter next to me, grabbed me around the waist and threw me over his shoulder alla caveman. The blood now also flowing towards my head, made it feel like it was about to spontaneously explode into a million pieces. 

"Harry, you better have a really good reason for picking me up and throwing me over your shoulder, because if you don't and I die of pain, I will come back to haunt you for the rest of your life," I seethed. 

"I think your ass is reason enough," he replied as he made his way towards the front door. 

I elbowed him in the back whilst desperately trying to keep my hair from suffocating me. This made him laugh harder which in return only fueled my fury. 

"Sorry, Vi, boss's orders," he shrugged. 

I frowned in confusion, but as soon as Harry stepped outside and I saw Skylar over Louis's shoulder, it hit me. Like a f.cking ten ton truck. Zayn f.cking Malik just had us thrown out of his house for some f.cked up reason or another. Anger momentarily switched priorities with the headache from hell.  

"Harold, are you throwing me out of your house?" I asked and you didn't even need to be very close to feel the gates of hell opening in my voice. 

"I'm sorry, Vi, but I can't defy orders," he apologized.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes in response. I thought they were all equal and brotherly. Yeah right. They were afraid of him. Whimps. Harry put me down on our front porch and I tried the front door.


I crouched down and felt under the mat for the spare.

"Just so you know, Harry, I'm never setting foot in that house again so you can tell your "boss" to go himself," I fumed as I grabbed Skylar by the arm and slammed the door in his face. all of them.

I'll take my chances // au Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now