Chapter 21 - Payback

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"Vi, look I'm sorry, okay? I swear if my ... mom didn't call at that exact moment, I would've sent him straight to hell," Chase apologized for the umpteenth time. At this point I wasn't even going to mention the slight hesitation in his voice. How old did he think I was?  

"No, really, I'm not mad at all," I replied, sarcasm dripping from my voice. 

It was sort of the truth, though. I could tell when people were lying to me and, even though I knew he was lying about who had called him, I knew he meant it when he said he would've sent Zayn straight to hell for making him leave the other day at Starbucks. That didn't mean I was going to let him of the hook that easy though.

"Really?" he replied, shooting a skeptical look my way in the process. 

"Oh yeah totally," I mocked in my sweetest bitch voice, twirling a piece of hair around my finger. He frowned in confusion, but judging by the small twitching muscle next to the corner of his mouth, he was having a tough time keeping himself from laughing at my impression. 

"Are you sure?" he persisted. I punched him in the arm in response to his question; hard enough to make him back away a little.

"Okay, now I'm not mad anymore. We're even," I replied. 

"That can hardly be classified as even, but I forgive you," he said with a straight face. That small muscle next to his mouth was still twitching though. 

"For what?" I asked, completely dumbfounded. What even did I do? 

"For potentially dislocating my arm. How am I supposed to eat now?" he replied, making me laugh. 

"I could've dislocated your arm and all you're worried about is your stomach?" I asked, between the fits of laughter. 

"Yes. Absolutely," he replied with a straight face. 

"Well, I'm sure you'll figure something out."

"Oh, I already have. You owe me a meal, because you potentially broke my arm. I'm no cheapskate either, I prefer fancy places ... like Burger King", he explained with a sly smile. 

His explanation made me laugh loud enough to ear a few stares. I glared back at the haters for a few seconds and then focused my attention on the charismatic boy in front of me again. 

"What does buying you food have to do with a possibly dislocated shoulder?" I asked. It took him a minute to reconsider.

"Well, I can't physically make my own food, because you need two hands for that. In this case two arms," he smugly replied. I shook my head in disbelief. He had an answer for everything. 

"You have this all figured out now, don't you?" 

"Yeah, so are you going to join me for dinner?" he asked. 

"Do I even have a choice?" I replied with a thorough roll of my eyes. 

"Great, I'll come pick you up tonight at seven then," he said, as excited as a two year old who just received a brand new fire engine red firetruck. 

I nodded in confirmation as the bell rang, signalling the end of yet another long school day.


"Sky, I was wondering if maybe you could make us some of your signature mac-and-., not again," I huffed in annoyance. 

Well, to be honest it was my fault. I knew better than to open Skylar's door without knocking first. Niall smirked at me from between my best friend's legs and it took all of me not to gag just there. Skylar propped herself onto her elbows, her bra barely intact. 

I'll take my chances // au Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now