Chapter 25 - Surprising Twists

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"Oh my, what a glorious practice room this is. I can't for the life of me imagine why you would keep it secret from anyone," sarcasm dripped from my glacial tone. 

Sarcasm was the best defense against people that cut deep. That and the fact that it was quite enjoyable to mess with people in general. Liam was leading me to one of the countless "practice rooms" the mansion apparently housed. He ignored me like a stop sign, just like he had been doing for the past four hours. Big surprise there.

"So what do you practice in here, Liam? A little Deceit104 before breakfast? Perhaps a quick lesson in how to chloroform effectively and then a big dose of Death101 afterwards?" I continued as if I wasn't trapped in a never-ending one way conversation. 

"Violet, just don't. You don't know what's going on ...."

Despite being thoroughly shocked at the fact that he finally regained the ability to enunciate words properly, I cut him off mid-sentence.  I struggled really hard not to throw my hands up at his ah-ha moment though. 

"That's just f.cking it. I don't know what the hell is going on, Liam. I don't know why my supposed friend restrained me and then kidnapped me after chloroforming me. I don't understand why The It had Chase killed, in f.cking front of me. I also don't understand why The It hasn't showed his face yet so I can it up like Jake was supposed to do a long time ago," I hissed in a low voice. I took a deep breath. Ranting about everything that was wrong with your life was a tiring business. 

"You know he has a name right?" Liam replied. 

"Don't you f.cking dare," I glowered at him with the fire of hell in my eyes. Liam sighed in response. Good, boy

I haven't seen The It since he had told whoever had killed Chase to clean up the mess. Like it was just some spill on the carpet or something. Not that it was a bad thing necessarily: I didn't trust myself alone with the man. The sexual meaning that sentence had four hours back has been replaced by a rapidly increasing violent one.

I shot a quick glance around the room and mentally groaned. I wasn't kidding when I asked him if they practiced Death in here. I will now describe it in great detail. There was a cement floor, an old cast-iron bed and a door. That was it.

Oh and let's not forget about the window that forgot how to window somewhere along the way. Who placed windows indoors in anyway? I honestly did not care for the type of wallpaper they used on the walls. I really did not want to stare at it all day.  

But apart from the weird ass window, that's all there was in the entire "practice room". I was probably to knit my own hair in my spare time. This, by the looks of it, was going to be all the time.

"Where's Skylar?" I asked, which seemed to have caught Liam off guard. It didn't last for long though. 

"She is one of the other rooms," he replied with a curt nod. 

"Oh, well that probably went well," I said, the bitterness in my voice making way for amusement. He rubbed at the nape of his neck.

"I have heard threats to Niall's dick coming from that room that scared me half to death, to be honest," he said with a knowing smirk.

I struggled to keep myself from smiling. I knew she wouldn't have let it go that easily. Add the fact that Niall was the first human being, other than her family, she actually gave a shit about and you have yourself one utterly pissed off teenage girl.

"Ah, I see and pray tell Sir Liam, how long will I be staying in Casa el Death."

He smiled in response, but the glare I shot him seemed to have clogged his windpipe. By the time he was done coughing, his smile had disappeared. 

I'll take my chances // au Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now