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(Sonic's POV)

So tired that I overslept in the morning. But I had a few memory dreams repairing my brain a little bit. But still not in the mood to get up right now. Even though Amy tried to wake me up but I was too lazy.

"Come on, Ames. Let me sleep" I sluggishly moved my arm to shoo her.

"Sonic don't oversleep or the day's wasted" She keeps pulling me.

"Let me sleep, please. I've been tired since last night" I moaned and put the covers on my head.

"Oh goodie" Amy sighs. She pulls the blanket off me and shook me awake.

"Argh! Can a guy with speed have his beauty nap?" I woke up sluggishly.

"Hey it's 9:50 am" Amy said.

"So? Its Saturday. It's not like I have to go to work or whatever. All that running last night tired me out" I put a pillow over my head.

"Alright, guess it's just breakfast for me" Amy said heading out.

"Make one for me too while I fight my laziness" I moaned in my sleep.

"Ok Sonikku" Amy winks at me.


A while later it was 10:15 am and I was up. I headed to the kitchen and saw Amy has made some flapjack pancakes with syrup.

"Thanks anyways, chef Rose" I said turned on the coffee maker.

"You're welcome. I know you love them" Amy said. I poured some coffee in my mug and drank from it before getting my pancakes.

I ate with my speed and a few seconds I feel full, "I really gotta control my reflexes"

"You burn calories fast you know" Amy said.

"Yup, but not forever when I'm old" I chuckled and had my coffee.

"Okay. And I have my hammer on the mantle" Amy said.

"I once remember you summon multiple hammers out of nowhere" I said.

"You do? Well just how you store things in your quills" Amy said.

"My quills can hold anything small. They're prickly and sharp" I smirked.

"I just love your humor" Amy giggled.

"Just love your giggles Amy" I said.


Later I had Amy brush my quills again since they were messy this morning and I was able to not purr this time.

"Just relax Sonikku" Amy said.

"I am relaxed Ames" I replied.

"You big whiner" She brushed my quills.

"Any plans after this?" I asked her.

"I'm going shopping again with the girls. Why don't you spend some time with Tails at his workshop" Amy said.

"Okay Ames. See you later" I ran off to find him.


At the workshop, Tails scanned my head with this machine to see if my brain is recovering.

"Interesting. Your brain is 90% recovered from the amnesia" Tails said.

"Yeah, I'm starting to remember a little. But I can't believe I missed out on understanding Amy's feelings for me" I said.

"It's normal Sonic. I don't blame you" Tails said.

"I'm not saying blame me, I'm saying that I never felt anything from her years ago. Until now" I said.

SonAmy: AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now