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"I choose her." A tall girl said pointing towards the short girl wearing black clothes.

"Her? Are you sure? I mean you can choose my dau-." The old man cut his own word because of the tall girl's glare.

"My decision is final, I want her to be my wife." She said and left.

The man sigh and glare at the small girl whose frighten.

"Why did she even chose you? Your just a piece of trash that can never do good in everything." The man said.

"I-I'm sorry." The frightened girl answered.

"Did I told you to speak?!!" The man shouted.

The girl flinch and cried in silence.

"Don't do anything stupid. Don't be a cry baby when you're already with her. I'll keep an eye on you b*tch, one wrong move, and your precious little sister will be dead. You don't want that right?" The man said that made the girl more scared.

"Put her back to her room."

The man left and the man left with his daughter following him from behind.

'Why did you chose me? I'm just a stupid piece of trash that can't do anything to save her life and her sister's life. You're making my life worse. You chose the wrong person Lalisa Manoban.'


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