Chapter Thirty-Two: He Already Know

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Lisa's POV

Last night was fun and amazing! We celebrated my little Chipmunk's birthday! My dear Chaeng and growing old already, huhu. We spent our day with Chaeng doing all the things she wanted to do. Like singing, dancing, playing instruments but most of the time we eat. We eat our dinner here at our mansion and Mama Yoli and Umma cooked Rosé fave foods.

I look at my girls still sleeping peacefully. I stand up and go to the bathroom to freshen up. After freshening up and putting my clothes, I go out of the room and walk downstairs.

Mama Yoli is cooking breakfast and IU Unnie is watching TV in the living room.

"Hey Unnie, morning." I greeted.

"Morning Pokpak. Appa wants you in his office." Unnie said still focusing her eyes on the TV.

"Right now?" I ask.

"Yes. Now shoo you ugly monkey." Unnie said.

I pinch her at her side and run going upstairs, I heard unnie shout and I just laugh.

I knock on the door first before opening it. Appa is busy reading a newspaper and drinking his coffee.

"Morning appa." I said.

"Morning Lisa." Appa said dropping his newspaper on the table.

"Why do you want me to be here this early?" I ask sitting down.

"Well, I have an important thing to say." Appa said seriously.

"What is it?" I ask.

Appa really looks so serious right now.

"He already knows." He said.

I look at him confusedly and ask.

"Bae, he knew already. Irene and Ella being here with us."

What the heck!


"Someone is keeping an eye on us. Each one of us. We need to be more careful Lisa." Appa said.

"Gosh! Appa, what should we do?" I panicked.

"You don't need to worry okay? Just don't tell these to Jennie. " Appa said.

I nodded. We talk a little bit more and we heard someone knock on the door.

" Come in!" Appa said.

The door opened and Ella came.

"Good morning haraboji (grandpa), morning Lisa Unnie. Halmoni (grandma) said that breakfast is ready." Ella said.

"Okay princess. Let's go." I said and carry Ella.

We walk down the stair and every one are already at the table. Rosé, Jennie, Umma, Seulgi, Jisoo Unnie, Irene Unnie, IU Unnie, and BamBam. I walk toward Jennie and sat beside her. Since there's no more sits, so I let Ella sit on my lap.

"Morning Nini." I said and kiss her forehead.

"Morning Lili. Give me Ella, I'll just let her sit on my lap." Jennie said.

"Ani, it's okay. Just eat now Nini." I said.

"You sure?"

I was about to speak when BamBam cut off.

"Ehem! Respect to those who are single here." He said.

We just laugh and my Nini blushed. We all started to eat our breakfast and talk about some random things. I look at my wife who's smiling, I hope everything would be okay.

After eating our breakfast, its time for us to bid our goodbye. I put Ella at the back as Jennie sit on the shotgun.

I started to drive and we just talk and talk when suddenly an amazing idea pop in my head.

"Nini, do you want to go on a vacation?" I ask.

"Ahm, yeah. Wae?"

"Let's go on a vacation with Ella." I suggested.

"Really? What about your work?" She asks.

"I can ask Bambam or IU unnie to handle it first. So what do you think?"

"Okay." Jennie said and showed me her gummy smile.

We reach our penthouse and we watch a movie to spend our day. After a while, I excused my self and go to my office and do some work.

As  I do my work I called Appa.

L: Hello Appa
A: Yes Lisa?
L: I'm taking Jennie and Ella on a vacation. Is that okay?
A: Of course it is fine Lisa. You can decide when it comes to your family.
L: Thanks Appa.
A: So where are you taking your Queen and your Princess?
L: Appa! Your becoming so cheesy.
A: HAHA don't be like that on me dear daughter. I'm just happy that you find your happiness in those two.
L: Well thank you Appa. If it isn't you, I won't be this happy.
A: Welcome dear. Now, answer my question.
L: I don't Appa, I'm still deciding.
A: Just take them to your favorite childhood place.
L: Jeju Island?
A: Yeah, that place is so special for you so maybe bring your special someone there.
L: Gosh Appa that's a great idea.

We continued to talk when Jennie knock and opened the door. She signaled me that lunch is ready. I nodded and I told Appa that we're just going to eat our lunch.

While we are eating I ask Jennie if she has been to Jeju Island.

"Yeah but that was many years ago. I was like eight? I don't know. Wae?" She shared.

"Do you want to go there again?" I ask.


"Then let's have our vacation there Nini." I said.

"Really?" Jennie asks excitedly.


She smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you Lisayah. You never fail to make me smile and happy." She said.

"I'm glad that you are happy. I always want to see you happy." I said and kiss her cheeks.

She blushed. Awww.

"I want a kiss too Lisa Unnie." I heard Ella complain.

"Oww, my princess wants a kiss too? Okay, I'll give what my princess wants." I said and carried her to give her kisses.

I keep on kissing her and she just giggles and telling me to stop. Jennie just kept on laughing.

"We should tickle your Unnie." I whispered to Ella.

She nodded and I put her down.

"Jennie Unnie! Run! Lisa Unnie will tickle you!" Ella said and run.

"Oh no! Lisayah! Don't get me involve." Jennie said.

"Nuh uh!" I said and run toward her.

She runs and carried Ella. They run towards our bedroom and I followed them. I caught both of them and said.


I tickled them and their laughter filled our room.

I love spending time with them. With my family. I hope this won't end.



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