Chapter Eleven: I Like You

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Jennie's POV

I open my eyes when I felt someone waking me up. It's my Lili, looking at me with a smile. Staring at her makes me ask of what-ifs.

What if I fall for her?
What if I already like her?
What if she won't catch me if I fall?

She's giving me hopes that I am worth it, that I can still be happy.

"Good morning Nini." She greeted and kissed my forehead.

There she goes again, making my heart beat fast.

"Good morning Lili." I greeted back.

"Get up now sleeping beauty." She said that made me giggle.

"Can I sleep more?" I ask.

I'm really sleepy. Yesterday after surprising unnie we watch a lot of movies and we sleep at six in the morning, getting up at 1 in the afternoon and going anywhere like the arcade, mall, amusement park and when the clock reaches 12 am we separate ways and go home.

"You can sleep later Wifey." Why does she always say those words?

"What time is it?" I ask her.

"Ten in the morning."

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I ask sitting on the bed.

"Well you need to sleep and I know that you're tired." Lisa said and sat beside me.

"You won't go to work?" I ask her.

"Nope, even Chickin and Bear won't go. We all need to rest." She said and hug me.

I smiled at what she did. But the thinking of these us all not true makes me sad and hopeless. I'm just her wife on the paper. I'm not her real wife, she marries me coz of our company failing. I'm not her happiness.

I remove her hands that are on my waist and stand up.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"I will just take a bath."I told her.

"Okay. We'll just eat our lunc- I mean brunch outside." She said.

I nodded and headed to the bathroom.

I should not fall for her.

Lisa's POV

I watch her as she goes to the bathroom.

She suddenly becomes sad after a few minutes of hugging her. Did I do something wrong?

I just walk to our walk-in-closet and find clothes that I should wear.

After changing I walk out of the room and wait for Jennie in the living room

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After changing I walk out of the room and wait for Jennie in the living room. While watching TV. I saw her phone on the table.

I get it and open it. It doesn't have a password. I look through her phone and I got nothing on her photos. In the contacts, there is only my number, Jisoo unnie, Rosè, her uncle, Seulgi, and Her cousin Irene unnie.

I was about to open her messages when I heard her footsteps walking down the stairs. I put her phone in my pocket.

I don't feel good about her phone. I won't give it to her.

"Lisa, did you see my phone?" She asks.

Why isn't she calling me Lili??

"I don't know. Did you already look everywhere?" I ask her.

"Yes, and I can't see it anywhere." She worriedly said.

"Maybe you lost while we're out yesterday." I told her.

She looks shocked at what I said.

"I should not lose it." She silently said.

"Hey. I'll just buy a new phone for you." I told her.

"No. I can't pay you back Lisa. I don't have any money." She called me Lisa again.

"Nini, you don't need to pay me back. I'm your wife." I told her.

"I'm not your real wife." She said and look down.

I was shocked by what she said.

"I don't care if your my real wife or not. What I care about is you. I don't want to see you like these. I want you to be yourself. No one is controlling you Jennie." I told her and I put both of my hands on her cheeks.

She's crying.

"I can't be myself Lisa. I can't." She said.

"Yes, you can."

"Why are you doing these? Why are helping me? Why do you need to be sweet to me? You're giving me false hope Lisa." she said.

"I'm not giving you false hope. I'm helping you coz I want too. I'm doing these because..... I think... I like you." I told her and look at her eyes.

"No, you can't like me." She said.

"Nini, please... Just let me in your heart. Let me." I told her.

I hug  and she just cried more.

"I will help you. I will love you. I will always be here for you. I promise."



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