Chapter Five:Alive

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Jennie's POV

Ghost aren't real right? Ghosts are myths. They're not real.

I remember when me and my Unnie are still little and when we're still awake when it's already late, my parents would scare us that ghost might get us or might go to our dream and scare us.

What would you feel if you saw your supposed to be dead unnie that is standing in front of you healthy and alive?

I don't know what should I do, seeing her alive makes me and scared.

Standing in front of me is my Jisoo Unnie that suppose to be in heaven now.

"Jennie." She called me.

But I just stare at her and tears started to fall to my face.

"Jenduek." She called me by the nickname she gave me.

Going near me I panicked.

"Je-Jenduek, please don't be scared. It's me, you-your Unnie." She said and tears falling from her eyes.

I didn't move or said anything. I kept silent and stared at her.

She walks again and she successfully hugs me. I miss her hugs.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled.

With trembling hands, I slowly hug her back.

"Un-Unnie, y-you're real, right? You're not dead." I said slowly.

"I'm real Jenduek, I'm not dead. I'm alive." She said and break our hug.

I look at Lisa, she smiled and nodded. The same goes when I look at Rosé and Seulgi.

She's real!

"Please stop crying Jen. I'm here, I won't leave you." Unnie said and wipe my tears away.

I smiled at her and said.
"But how are you alive? Uncle said you-your already gone. The chief officer said they saw your body near the cliff." I said.

"I will tell you but not now." She said and I nodded.

Unnie looks at Lisa and she pinches Lisa's side.

"Ouch!! Yah you chickin, that hurts!" Lisa said and rub her side.

"Yah! Why didn't you tell me that you'll marry my sister! You monkey!" Unnie shouted.

"Yah don't shout. You didn't ask, you annoying chickin! If you just told me what's your sisters name then you could have seen them early than you expected." Lisa said.

Unnie is finding us?

"Them? Jenduek, wh-where's our Ella?" Unnie suddenly asks.

"Sh-she's w-with uncle an-and Irene Unnie." I stuttered.

"When is she going here? I miss her." She asks.

I miss her too, Unnie.

"I don't know." I said.

We fell into silence when Chaeng talk.

"Let's go, I'm hungry! Jenduek cooks your fave Jichu."

"Yah chipmunk! Why are you calling her Jenduek!" Unnie said.

"Yah! I gave her that." Chaeng answered.

"Yah! I was the first one." Unnie fights back.

Rosè was supposed to answer when Lisa talk.

"Yah you two, stop. Stop stealing my wife you chipmunk,  you have a chickin to love."

"Yah! You monkey!" Rosé and Unnie both said.

Ohh, so my unnie is the girlfriend.

"Yah, Jennie unnie! She's not my girlfriend." Huh?

"Did I said that out loud?" I ask them.

"Yes wifey you did." Lisa answered.

"Ahm guys, I'm also here."

"Oww, hi there Seulgi bear." Unnie said.

They laugh and I just smile.

"Let's go." Lisa said and hold my hand as we go to the dinning.

"Yah!Respect to the single here." Seulgi whined.

"Ow, sorry Kang, ask the chickin not fo be clingy on the chipmunk." Lisa said.

"Unnie? Since when did you get clingy?" I ask.

"Aish, you never change JenJen."

Yes, I did change Unnie.

Reaching the dining Rosè sit first.

"Chickin!" My unnie shouted.

That's why Lisa ask me to cook chicken, for my unnie.

Lisa guided me to sit and she put a lot of foods on my plate.

"Lisayah, I can't eat that all, its too many." I told her.

"You need to eat a lot Jennie, you're so thin."

"Yup you need to eat a lot Jennie." My unnie

"Did Lisa cook for you?" Seulgi ask me.

"No, I won't let her cook, she might burn the kitchen." I said.

Well, one time I woke up with the smell of burnt eggs. Lisa tried to cook but failed.

"Yeah, don't let her Jenduek. My condo was nearly burned because of Lisa." Rosé said that makes Seulgi laugh.

"Yah Park Chaeyoung! Stop calling her Jenduek!" Unnie whined.

"Stop whining! You're not a child." Chaeng said.

"Why do you always tease each other? You're both annoying." Seulgi said.

"You can't do anything about Chipmunk teasing everyone and being annoying, it runs from their blood." Unnie said and continue to eat her chicken.

"Yah! So you're saying that I'm annoying and I always tease everyone?" Lisa reacted.


"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are." All of her friends answered.

"Yah, Jennie help." Lisa suddenly said.

"It's your problem, not mine, help yourself Lisayah." I said.

Everyone laughs except Lisa.

"Gosh! Jenduek, you never change, you still have the bitchy side of yours." Unnie said.

It is just a show unnie. I'm not the old Jennie you once knew.



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