Chapter Fifty: 5 Years Later

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Jennie's POV

5 years had past and many things had happen, wonderful and amazing things.

Me and Lisa got married again four years ago, that time, it was real, no more fake weddings. Many things had changed about our family, it got bigger. My Ella Ruby Rose is now ten years old, she's now big and she is talkative and a little bit of savage. Months after our marriage, me and Lisa decided to adopt, Prince Luca Jase is his name, he was just a three-month-old baby when we adopted him, I fell in love with my son easily, he is now four and going to preschool already. After two years me and Lisa tried the IVF, a technology that can help you, putting the egg to you produce a baby. I got pregnant with a baby girl, it was really hard, I crave a lot of foods and I always get pissed seeing Lisa's beautiful face, we name her Paulette Luna Jade, Ella gave the name Paulette, and it was beautiful, our baby Luna is just one and the first word she said was dada. Of course, Lisa was so proud.

"Dada! Dada!" My daughter Luna said.

"Aww baby, Dada is not yet home." I said.

I played with Luna as we wait for Lisa and our kids. Minutes later.

"Mommy! We're home!" Ella shouted.

We walk towards the living room and a smiling Ella, an angry Luca, and an annoyed Lisa.

"Why are your faces like that?" I ask.

"Mommy, someone gave Ella unnie a flower." Luca said.

"Huh? Is that real Ella?" I ask Ella and she nodded.

"Awww, my Ella has a crush!" I said.

"No! My princess is not allowed to have a boyfriend." Lisa said.

Well, Ella is still her princess.

"But Dada, it's just a crush, I'm not having a boyfriend!" Ella exclaimed.

"The boy is so ugly mommy." Said Luca.

I laugh at what he said.

"Hey! He's not."

The two started bickering and I gave Lisa a peck on her lips.

"Don't get angry Lili. Just accept that our princess is now big and will have a crush on someone." I said.

"Still." she said and hug me.

"Kids, stop fighting, we need to go to the mansion remember." I reminded them.

"Oh right! I need to change!" Ella said and run towards her room.

"Me too. Unnie! Help me dress up please!" Luca shouted.

"Did Luna gave you a hard time?" Lisa ask.

"No, she's behaving, right baby."

Luna giggled. Luna got Lisa's doll eyes, I like looking at Luna's eyes.

We are heading to the mansion for Appa's birthday. Appa is getting older but still strong. As we reach the mansion, we greeted appa a happy birthday.

I am now in the kitchen With Chaeng and Irene unnie. I left Luna with Lisa and the two are playing.

"How's baby River?" Irene unnie asks Rosie.

"Good, just kicking too much."

Jisoo Unnie and Rosie got married three years ago. Rosie is eight months pregnant and it's a boy, Unnie already got a name for her baby boy. Aydin River, it's a unique name, I guess. Naeun is now nine and she grows so pretty. Jisoo unnie always bring Naeun to the cemetery every death anniversary of Naeun's real parents. We always tell Naeun that her parents are always guiding her.

"Umma, I'm hungry." Keith walks inside the kitchen.

Juaqin Keith is the six-year-old adopted son of Irene unnie and Seulgi. Unnie and Seulgi got married one year ago and they decided to adopt  Keith and his four-year-old sister Keila Angelique, Keila is the shy kid, so Luca always plays with her.

We all headed to the dining, we sing Appa a happy birthday and started to eat.

Bambam is still single and IU unnie is now engaged, their wedding will be next year. As of now, IU unnie is in Thailand with her fiance.

Luna is sited on Lisa's lap and Luca is sitting on my lap. Luca is more of a mommy's boy and he always find me before going to sleep.

After two hours, we bid our goodbye and we headed home. Lisa bought a house, the house was her gift to me at our wedding. Its a story house with 5 rooms, the Master's bedroom, Ella's bedroom, Luca's bedroom, Luna's and the guest room. As of now, Luna is sleeping in our bedroom in her crib.

"Good night mommy." Ella said and kissed my cheeks.

"Good night Ella. I love you."

"Love you too."

"Good night Dada. I love you"

"Good night princess, have a sweet dream and I love you too." Lisa said.

Ella left our room and Luca came.

"Night night mommy. I love you." He said.

"Night night my little boy. Mommy loves you too." I said and kissed his forehead.

"Good night Dada. I love you."

"Good night my good boy. Love you too. Sleep tight."

He left our room and I put Luna to her crib.

Finally, rest.

I freshen up and after I lie down beside my wife.

She hugs and said.

"I love you forever Nini."

"I love you too Lili. Good night." I said and kissed her.

I am proud to say......... that I am MARRIED TO LALILSA MANOBAN

-The End-



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