Chapter Twenty-One: Surprise!

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Jennie's POV

Earlier today...

Today is my birthday and I'm really excited coz I will be with Jisoo Unnie the whole day. I told Lisa to come with us but she told me that I should enjoy it with my Unnie.

I really wanted to celebrate my birthday with her.

"Nini, don't make that face." I heard Lisa said.

I didn't say or do anything just stare at her with pleading eyes.

"Nini, say something." She said.

I just rolled my eye and cross my arms.

"Nini, don't be like that, it's your birthday." She said and hugged me.

"Go away." I told her.

"Nini, I really really want to go with you but I have a lot of works to do." She said.

Pshh! Making your work as your first priority than your wife.

"Just do it tomorrow." I told her.

"I can't."

"Yes you can, you are the CEO."

"Nini, I promise to have dinner with you tonight."


"Promise." She said and kissed my forehead.

I hug her back and we stayed like that for some minutes.

"But I really want to celebrate my birthday with you." I said and look at her.

"I know. I'm sorry Nini." She said.

I was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

Unnie is here. No! I really want to be with my Lili right now.

"Can I just don't go?"

"What? No! Nini, I really want to be with you but I want to give this time to celebrate it with your sister. I will be with you tonight." She said.

I sigh and said.
"Okay, see you tonight Lili."

She opened the door and Unnie is there standing with an angry eye, I think.

"Why are so slow." She said.

"Sorry Chicken! Someone doesn't want to be away from me." I glared at the lady who said that.

"Aww, but you don't have a choice dear Jenduek. Let's go." My dear unnie said.

I look at Lisa and hug her.

"Bye Lili. See you later." I said.

"Bye Nini. See you, enjoy it." She said and kissed my forehead.

We hug for a minute or more when I felt someone dragging me away.

"Yah! Chickin!" Lisa whin.

"Aish! You're hugging each other for too long! You can cuddle later. Let's go Jenduekie." Unnie said dragging me towards the elevator.

As we reach the parking lot, unnie give me her gift.

As we reach the parking lot, unnie give me her gift

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