Chapter Forty-Three: Sana

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Third Person's POV

It's been three weeks since Jennie willingly goes with his uncle and everyday Jennie is getting worst and weaker.

Jisoo was transferred to another room and she's with Jennie inside. Jisoo is hugging Jennie and Jennie just kept om crying. Both of them are weak, their uncle just kept on hurting and hitting them a while ago. Especially Jennie.

After a while, their door opened. It was the girl Jisoo saw.

"What do you want now?" Jisoo angrily asks.

"I-I just get you some food." The girl said putting down a plateful of foods.

The girl knows that she shouldn't do that coz Bae won't allow them to eat but she always sneaks foods to feed Jennie and Jisoo.

"Thank you." Jennie silently said.

The girl smiled and left the room.

"Jenduek, you go eat." Jisoo said.

"I don't want to eat Unnie." She said.

"You need too. Please, for me." Jisoo said.

Jennie nodded and Jisoo fed her sister.

As the girl walks, she heard Bae talking to someone.

"We need to head back to New Zealand."

"When Boss?"

"Last week of March."

After what she heard that she left.

On the other side, at the Manoban's mansion. They still don't know what to do. They still don't have any clue. Even the FBI agents.

Lisa is so frustrated that she threw her phone.

"Lisa please calm down. " IU said.

"How can I calm down when they were gone for nearly four weeks and we can't still find them." Lisa said.

Lisa was devastated when Jennie left. She didn't know what to do. In the first week she never left the room, just stayed there and cry the whole week. Her Appa encourages her and then she started to move.

"Boss, someone is here." Said one of the guards.

"Don't tell me it's her again." Lisa said.

"Sorry Miss, but it is her."

Lisa groaned.

"Why does she kept on going her? Even at the company?" Mr. Manoban asks.

"I don't even know Appa."

"Just talk to her already, so she'll stop bothering you." Bam suggested.

"I don't want too, I have a problem, I don't want someone to add to my problems." Lisa said.

"We know that girl won't stop Lisayah." Mrs. Manoban said.

"Ugh! Fine, let her in." Said Lisa.

The guard walks back in with the girl beside her.

As Lisa was about to talk someone interrupts them.

"Why is she here?" An angry Chaeng said.

She and Seulgi are walking down the stare staring dangerously to the girl.

"Okay, stop the both of you just for today, I don't want another problem to encounter." Lisa sternly said.

The girl was Sana. Lisa's Ex. She was Lisa's first love, their relationship lasted for four years, Lisa was about to propose but she saw her ex kissing someone. Lisa was hurt, she decided to broke up with Sana but Sana doesn't want that. Sana tried to explain and she only stopped when Jisoo, Rosé and Seulgi threatened her. They were so angry, they trust Sana for Lisa but she broke it. The three of them told her to never ever bother Lisa again and they don't want to see her again. Sana can't do anything, she just obeyed and left Korea.

"What do you want to talk about Sana?"

"I know you have a problem that you're facing right now, I will say sorry first for bothering yo-." Lisa cut her off.

"Straight to the point Sana." Lisa said.

"I want to help all of you."

"Help us in?" Lisa ask.

"Finding Jennie." She said.

"How did you know that they are lost?" Bambam and IU said at the same time.

"Her uncle gets me involve, I work for him." Sana said.

All of them got shocked.

"If you work for him then why do you want to help us?" Mr. Manoban asks.

"I don't really want to do what Mr. Bae wants me to do. I was forced." Sana said.

"How come you work for him?" Chaeng ask.

"Before I met my husband, he works for Mr. Bae but he stops. A few months ago, someone knocks into our door and it was Mr. Bae, he wants my husband to work for him again, but my husband declined, Mr. Bae threatened him but he still said no. Mr. Bae, h-he killed my husband in front of me and my daughter."

"You have a family already?" Seulgi ask.

"Yes, and I need to do what he is commanding or my daughter will be killed and I don't want that."

Bae is really a devil. Lisa thought.

"If you don't want your daughter to get killed then why are you helping us."

"I don't even know." Sana honestly answered.

"So that means, bumping into us, seeing us, and meeting Jennie is not a coincidence?" Chaeng ask.

"No, they are all planned."

They all fell into silence until Lisa ask.

"Where are they?"

"There are at the abandoned building near the old house of Kim's. You need to move, really really fast."

"Wae kid?" Mr. Manoban asks.

"Mr. Bae is planning to go back to New Zealand at the end of the week." She said.

"What? Why?"

"I don't know."

"Can you please tell of how they are doing?" Lisa asks hoping they are all fine.

"They are not fine. Mr. Bae kept on hurting Jennie and Jisoo unnie every day and the worst was he always want Ella to watch him hurt Jennie and Jisoo unnie. He won't hurt Irene unnie but he always locks her up. Ms. Dara is also there, she's locked up in a room with Ella and my daughter. Mr. Bae won't let Jennie and Jisoo unnie eat any food, just water, but I always try to give them food."

"Bae is really cruel." Bam said.

Lisa was so angry that she's ready to kill someone.

"You need to plan, if you need information just call me... Here is my number... For now, I need to go back there. Mr. Bae might notice that I'm not at the hideout."

"Thank you kid."

As Sana left Mr. Manoban said.

"Let's all plan now, let's move. IU, Lisa, go to the office now. You, call half of the guards. Bambam, call the head FBI agent. Rosie, Seulgi, and love to stay here. You don't need to get involved. No buts."


I'm not good at making a fighting scene or action scene but I will try my best hehe.


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