Chapter Twenty-Eight: Date

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Jennie's POV

I am now getting ready coz Lisa is taking me somewhere. She said she will take me on a date that made me really really excited. I'm with Irene and Jisoo unnie and they are helping in getting ready.

"Earth to Jennie!" Irene Unnie snapped.

"Huh? What?"

"I was asking you if you want me to pick your clothes. You've been in front of your plenty of clothes and until now you can't choose any." She said.

"Sorry unnie, I can't really choose something." I said.

"It's okay, now go freshen up."

I nodded and headed to the bathroom.

Its been two weeks since Lisa's and Appa's talk. Lisa told me everything and I'm very thankful to Appa for helping in everything. He said that he can't break his promise to my dad. In those two weeks, Lisa did everything to make me happy as always. She would always give me flowers and all the romantic things people do or give.

And in each day... I feel like, I am falling for her.

After freshening up, I go our and saw the dress that unnie chose.

It's simple yet so pretty

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It's simple yet so pretty. I hope it's okay. I put some light make up and go down to the living room.

"Wow! Unnie you look pretty." I heard Ella said.

"Thank you Ella." I said.

"Lisa will surely fall for you more." Jisoo unnie said that made me blush.

"Yah! Unnie stop." I whined.

I was about to pinch unnie's side when her phone rang. I glared at her and she laughs. She excused herself and go to the balcony to answer the caller.

"You do love Lisa." Irene Unnie suddenly said.

"Huh? What are you saying?" I ask.

"You love Lisa. You're just scared of admitting it." She said.

I look at her and said.
"Maybe you are right unnie."

"You don't need to be afraid Jen. Lisa loves you, I can see that. You can see that. She won't hurt you. Just go with the flow Jen, be happy."

"I know unnie." I said.

I felt my phone vibrate and it was Lisa.

Hey Nini. You done? I'm waiting.

"Lisa's downstairs already, I'll go now." I said.

"Okay, have fun Jenduek." Irene Unnie said.

I bid my farewell to Jisoo unnie and Ella, and I go out to go down to were Lisa is waiting for me.

As I walk out of the building, I saw Lisa waiting. She's wearing casual clothes, simple yet she looks so handsome at the same time pretty.

 She's wearing casual clothes, simple yet she looks so handsome at the same time pretty

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"Hi." I greeted her.

"Hey Nini, you look stunning as always." She said.

"Thank you Lili. You look good." I said.

She smiled and open the car door for me. She walks towards the driver's seat and started to drive.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It is a secret Nini." She said.

I pouted and look at the window. I heard her chuckle but I didn't mind it. I got my phone and just play some games.

" We're here." Lisa said.

I look outside and the restaurant is simple yet fancy. Lisa opened the car door and help me to get out. She holds my hand as we walk inside.

"Hi good evening Ladies, any reservation?" The host said.

"Good eve, reservation under Lisa Manoban." Lisa said.

"This way please." The host guides us to the table near the glass window.

As we take our sits, the host gave us the menu.

"Here's your menu ma'am, I'll call a waiter to help you." The host said and left.

"What do you want to eat Nini?"

"I don't know, pick for me Lisayah." I said and look around.

Lisa ordered and I still kept on looking around. Well, this place is nice.

I look at Lisa and she is staring at me.

"Wae? Is there any dirt on my face?" I ask.

"Nope. Nothing, I just want to stare at your pretty face." She said that made me blush.

"Stop it Lisayah, I'm not pretty." I said.

"Yes, you are." She said.

I was about to argue when our food was served.

Lisa was sharing a story but I can't understand what she was sharing. I am busy staring at her doll face. Her eyes. Her nose. Her lips. Gosh! My Lili is so beautiful.

"Hey Nini. Are you alright?" I heard Lisa said.

"H-huh, yeah I'm alright." I said.

"You sure?"

"Yep." I said.

She nodded and continue to talk. But again, I can't focus on what she was saying.

Maybe Irene Unnie is right. Maybe I love Lisa but I'm scared to tell it to her ar show it to her. I'm scared of what might happen next. I'm always scared.

How can I be brave? How can I be brave like Lisa? Telling me that she love me and continue to make me feel that she does really love me even I told her not to love me. How can I be brave like her to fight for me? How can I be brave to fight for her? How can I tell her I love her? How can I?

"Nini, please stop crying." Lisa said and wipe my tears away.

Gosh, I am crying already. I'm crying in front of Lisa again. Why do I need to be weak?

"Sorry." I said.

"It's okay. Can you please tell me why are you crying." She softly said.

"It's nothing Lisayah." I said.

"I know there's something wrong. Please tell me." She said.

"It's really nothing Lili. But I want to say thank you for loving me and making me happy." I said.

She smiled and said.
"I will always make you happy and I will always love you my Nini."

"I will love you too Lisa. In time, I promise. Please do wait for me." I slowly said.

"I will always wait for you Nini." She said and kissed my forehead.

I hope so Lisayah. Please don't leave me.



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