Chapter Thirteen: Phone

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Lisa's PoV

Yesterday we spent our day roaming around the mall. Watching a movie, play at the arcade, buying things, eat and eat and eat.

Yesterday is really fun. I want to do that again with her.  I'm planning on taking her to the amusement park this weekend. I'm sure it will be fun and exciting.

But for now, I need to finish my work. We're back at work after a day off yesterday. We're all still tired. Lucky for Chaeng that she's on a leave for a month. That makes her spend a lot of time with my Nini.

It irritates me seeing them together. But at least I can see my Nini happy and she won't get bored.


"Yah! Bear you don't need to shout."

"I was calling you six times already and you're just staring at the wall smiling like an idiot." She said putting both of her hands at her waist.

"Mianhe. Why are you here?"

"You have a meeting with Mr. Cortez from the Philippines." She said.

"Is it my last meeting for the day?" I ask getting the things I needed.

"Yup. After that, we're free to leave." Seulgi said with full of joy.

I laugh at her actions.

"Okay, let's go now Bear. Let's finish these and go home." I told her walking to the elevator.

Can't wait to go home to my Nini.

The meeting is already done after an hour. Finally!!  Work is done.

"I'll go ahead now Bear." I told my best friend.

"Okay. Take care Lisayah." She said as she goes inside her car.

I got inside my car and texted Jennie that I'm going home.

To: Nini
Hey Nini. On my way home.

From: Nini
Hi. I'm with Chaeng, we're here at the park. Are you driving while texting?

To: Nini
Okay, enjoy! See you later! Nope I'm not. I'm still here at the parking lot.

Okay. See you later Lili!

After our texting moment, I started to drive.
I bought Jennie a new phone, exactly what I have. She didn't protest coz she knows that I'll win. Ehee!

Reaching our penthouse, I change into comfortable clothes and I lie down at our bed. I hug Jennie's pillow and it smells like lavender.

I got Jennie's previous phone and opened it.

I opened the notes and she has a checklist that is entitled as 'Don'ts' and 'Lalisa Manoban'.

I got curious about the Lalisa Manoban so I opened it.

Lalisa Manoban

Don't give Lisa a headache
Do what she says
Don't disobey Lisa
Be good

Why did put that? She doesn't need to do all I said to her.

I open the other checklist and this is what I saw.


Don't do anything stupid
Don't cause trouble
Don't be a cry baby
Don't talk about your past

What do these means? What does she mean about her past? Did something bad happen to her?

I really need to know her more.

I opened her messages and it's just me, Irene, Rosé, and her uncle that she is texting.

I open her messages with Rosé and they just talk about random things.

I opened her messages with her cousin and this is what I saw.

I: JenJen, it's me, Irene. Don't worry dad won't know that I can or you can text me. I ask for help on how he can't read or see these.
J: You sure unnie? You won't get into trouble, right?
I: I won't JenJen. I promise. Don't worry too much about me and Ella. I will take good care of her. How are you? Is she treating you badly?
J: Thanks Unnie. I'm okay unnie. She's good. Please tell me if something bad happens to the both of you.
I: Okay good. Yes, I will JenJen. I need to go now. He's doing an inspection. I need to delete these, don't text back. Take care JenJen! Me and Ella loves you so much.

That's their conversation two days after Jennie got here. Someone is monitoring Jennie's phone and I'm sure it's her uncle. The way they talk, I know what he is doing.

I continue to read some messages and I was shocked by what I read.

J: Unnie, are you okay?
I: Yes. Why? Is there something wrong?
J: Uncle. Did he hurt you right?
I: He didn't
J: Unnie I know you're lying. Please tell me the truth.
I: Yes he did hurt me but its okay, I can endure the pain. It is not enough from all the pain that you felt. End of conversation JenJen.

What pain? Does her uncle hurt her?

I exit and open the messages she had from her uncle.

She didn't reply even once.

U: Remember what I told you Jennie.

U: Don't enjoy yourself Jennie.

U: Being happy Jennie? Do you know what that means? Pain is what your cousin and dear sister get.

U: I hate seeing you happy. Do you know what thing will make you sad? I will sell your dear sister to a stranger.

The Hell!! This is what Jennie always got and she's not telling me!! The last message was just sent last night. What an ass uncle she had.

My Nini needs help. Her cousin needs help and her sister Ella too. I need to help them.

I was about to exit the messages when her cousin Irene texted.

I: JenJen...
I'm sorry, I did everything but I can't do anything to stop dad. He sell Ella to some lady that he didn't even know. I'm sorry Jennie. I promise to find her. I promise to get our Ella back.

No! I was too late! He already sell her sister. Jennie will be depressed. I will help her.

I will do everything for you Jennie. I will fight for you.

I need help. I need Appa.



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