Chapter one

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Lily's POV

May 11,2013

Dear diary,
Happy birthday lily. No one ever tells me happy birthday. I have been here for 13 years and not one happy birthday. The only thing I get on my birthday is a severe beating, but that's an everyday thing. Every year on my birthday they use a new whip to torture me with. Last year it was a whip with spikes on the ends. I wonder if my family remembers my birthday. They probably have a new little girl. I miss my family a lot. I remember the day I was taken but I can't bring myself to talk about it. I mean I have no one to talk about it too. I am down here all by myself. Even if I had someone to talk to, they would not listen. Why would they listen to a nobody?

I heard the door to the basement open. When I heard the door open, I hid my diary. If they knew, I had it they would take it. The door opened to my cell and the man yelled  "LETS GO MUTT". I curled into a ball in the corner of my cell and started to cry. He grabbed my hair and pulled me out of my cell. "AHH PLEASE STOP THIS HURTS I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!!!" I yelled at the man. "Oh but you being born was a mistake." He threw me into the middle of the basement. It had these chains hanging from the ceiling and it had blood everywhere on the floor. He once told me that it was in the center of the basement so other prisoners could see what would happen to them if disobeyed the alpha. I never understood what alpha meant but they used it a lot so I always guessed that was what they called their leader. I never knew anyone's name. He starts to hook my arms to the chains so I would stand up while he hit me. Tears streaming down my face as I watched him go get the device he was going to hit me with. He came back and he had a whip that had spikes all over it. I instantly knew that I would not be able to move for a week. If I did not move then I could not work and would receive another beating. As the tears rolled down my face, I screamed "PLEASE DONT DO THIS PLEASE". I begged the man and he just laughed at me and he had this evil smirk on his face. He raised his hand, the whip came down, and you could hear it smack against my skin on my back. I could feel the skin on my back ripping open and the blood pouring down my back. It hurt so badly and that was the first one. I knew more were to come. As the whip came down on my back, I would scream and count each blow.
AHHH!!!!.....s-six I started to stutter
I stopped counting after that. When it stopped, he unlocked the chains and I fell in a pile of my own blood. Then I passed out.

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