Chapter ten

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Lily's POV
When I wake up I'm laying on the most softest thing I have ever laid on. I open my eyes and I see a ceiling I'm in a room.......wait why did I wake up and why am I in a room. What is this place? I sit up on the bed and I see I'm in a room with white walls the cover are black. There is a square thing on the wall I'm not really sure what it is. I look at the window and see that it's morning or at least think it's morning. I start freaking out why am I here what are ythey going to do with me and who's room am I in. I'm really hungry and I have to pee really bad. I see a bathroom but I might get in trouble if I move. I don't know whose room I'm in, but whoever room this belongs to I'm probably in really big trouble. I take time to look around the room. This room is so plain, it's all plain colors. I hear someone coming i act like I'm asleep scared of what's to come. The door opens and I hide my face. I hear someone walking around the bed towards me so I keep my face hidden as much as I can. I don't wanna see my killer. "Look at me" I hear a deep voice. I whine not wanting to look up. "Please look at me I'm not going to hurt you" the voice sounds sad for some reason. I don't understand why but still don't look up. I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I tense up automatically. I feel the hand move away unbelievably fast. I lay there for a few minutes and I hear nothing but then I feel a drop of water land on my arm .After a few minutes I hear the person get up and walk away from me. " I'll be back in a few minutes with you something to eat, is there anything you would particularly like?" I stay quiet. I hear the man sigh and leave the room.

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