Chapter 13

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Max's POV
I get out the shower and get dressed.i walk back into the room and I get so happy when I see she eat the food. Hey babygirl you ate your food good job this makes me very happy. She just stares at me. Baby do you want to take a shower?
She doesn't answer me though. I walk over and grab one of my shirts and boxers. I walk over and sit it on the bed beside her. Here's some clothes to change into to so how about we get you out of these clothes and get you clean. I put my hand out for her to grab. She hesitates at first but then takes my hand. I grab the clothes and we slowly walk into the bathroom. I start the water and I check to make sure it's not to hot. Do you want some help? When I say that she starts shaking her head no and backing away from me. I'm not gonna hurt you remember if you wanna do it yourself that's fine you can do it yourself I'll be in the other room if you need me. I set the clothes down on the counter and walk out. I listen the whole time she's in there just to make sure she is ok. Finally thirty minutes later she comes out. She just stands in the doorway looking at me. Come sit down and I pat the bed. She slowly walks over to me and sits down. I put on a movie she seems fine right now and it makes me so happy. After a while I notice out the corner of my eye she staring at my tattoos. You can touch them if you want. After I say that she looks away. I slowly reach over and grab her hand she jerks her hand away. It's ok just give me your hand real quick remember I'm not going to hurt you. She gives me her hand and I place it on my arm. Do you like them? She doesn't answer but she starts rubbing my arm then looking at her hand like she's trying to figure out why they aren't coming off. I laugh she's just so cute. Baby they aren't going to come off they are permanent. I wish I could get her to talk or at laugh. I bet she has a beautiful laugh. I'll try to get her to tell me her name tomorrow. Let's go to sleep baby I turn the movie off and get up grab a pillow and a blanket. I'll sleep on the floor you can sleep on the bed. After I set up my place on the floor I walk over and turn off the lights. I hear her heartbeat go up. I'm right here nothing is gonna happen to you. She lays down then I lay down. I lay there for hours it seemed like before she finally falls asleep. I guess she finally go so tired she couldn't stay awake anymore. After I know she's asleep I finally go to sleep myself.

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