Chapter two

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Lily's POV
When I woke up, I was in my cell on the floor. I was laying in the floor on my back. I knew when they threw me in here they didn't care how I landed. The door opened to my cell. I didn't even hear them come down the stairs. A pair of shorts and a shirt was thrown into my cell. I knew it was time for me to make breakfast for them. Which is really hard to do because their are about three hundred of them living here. I never could figure out why they all live here. All these people live here and no one helps me. They all just laugh at me when I getting beaten or join in on the fun as they say. Maybe all these people are cold hearted. Maybe they all hate people in general. It's been this way since I got here. Thirteen years of pain. I remember the first day I was here. I was three when I was taken I woke up in a cell. It was dark and cold. It was so cold that when I got up my body ached.  My body ached right now. When I tried to get I just fell back down. My back hurt so much it felt like it was on fire. By now all the blood was dried. I tried to get up again and again. Each time I would get up I would just fall back down. I finally got back up and put the clothes on. The clothes weren't clean they had dried blood on them, but I don't know if it's from the floor or another prisoners blood. The man that gave me the clothes was already gone. They knew I wouldn't be able to run with my back like this. I slowly walked up the stairs and as soon as I stepped out the door I was knocked to the floor. The man who beat me yesterday was there he is the one who hit me. "PATHETIC WORTHLESS MUTT GO MAKE MY FOOD!!!!!" I quickly got up even tho it hurt so much. "Y-yes s-sir s-s-sorry I w-will go r-right n-n-now s-sir". He laughed at me "aww you scared? good you should be now hurry up" I ran as fast as I could to the kitchen. When I got into the kitchen I hurried and grabbed 10 pounds of bacon, 10 dozen eggs, and 10 things of sausage. I got to work cooking for all of them. When I finished cooking I started pouring drinks when i heard three glasses fell to the floor or so I thought. When I turned around I seen The one girl that always hated me she had pushed the glasses in the floor. " now look what you did I guess I have to tell the beta" and she ran off. I was so scared I started to cry and ran to hide. I was running and running when someone grabbed me from behind and carried me to the basement. But he stopped and threw me in the cell. "I'll be back the alpha needs me" and he was gone. I started to cry. What if he told "alpha" what happened?

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