Chapter nine

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Max's POV
They found the run away slave. I'm on my way to house where we keep the slave that try to escape. This bitch is so stupid for trying to escape. Now she is gonna die. I'm gonna make her death as slow and painful as I can. She's just a stupid human anyways. As I walk to the building I can feel my wolf getting jumpy.
Asher what's wrong?
I don't Know yet I just have a feeling
What do you mean ?
I don't know
I get inside and once I open the door I know why he was so jumpy. As soon as I open the door I smell this beautiful smell of roses and chocolate. Then I see a small girl on the floor and realize that the girl that escaped is my mate.
Do you realize what this means?
Yes I do look at her she has cuts and bruises everywhere and it was my pack mates that caused that under my orders
I can't believe this she has been here the whole time and we never knew
Well it makes sense all the prisoners are kept so far away from me and I never go there no wonder we never knew she was here.
Shes curled up into a ball the the corner of the room. She's shaking. I walk towards her and she doesn't look up once. I reach out and touch her face and she jerks away from me. My wolf whimpers that made us both sad I wanted to cry. " shh it's ok I'm not going to hurt you I promise" she whimpers a lot I know she's scared of me and that's my fault. I'm getting her out of this room it's so cold in here and she's is very malnourished she only has on a rip up shirt and underwear. I don't want her to get sick. I pick her up and she starts fighting me. She bites my arm and I drop her. When she lands and the floor she screams and I notice that she landed on her hand she starts fighting me again when I go to pick her up so I have to sedate her. I take her up to my room and lay her on my bed and wait for her to wake up. I sit there outside the door for hours I don't normally cry but I started crying so bad. It's my fault she is like this when she wakes up I can hear her heart beat she scared she doesn't know where she is.I go into the room and go over to her I know she's awake but she doesn't look up she hides her face from me " look at me" she doesn't look up " please look at me I'm not going to hurt you" she still won't look at me so I put my hand on her shoulder and she tenses up and I immediately take my and away not wanting to scare her and I start crying she scared of me. I never wanted my mate to be scared of me. After a few minutes I get up to go get her some food. " I'll be back in a few minutes with you some food is there anything you would particularly like?" She doesn't answer me I just sigh and leave the room. I go to make her food. I have to find out who she is and why she was brought here. I don't remember her so it wasn't my orders to kidnap her, so it had to have been my dads order when he was alpha. That means she's been here years. When I get time I'll look through the records.

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