Chapter 11

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Max's POV
It made me so sad when she wouldn't look at me. She acted like she was asleep. I don't know what to do I don't want my mate to be scared of me. I go into the kitchen and start thinking of stuff I could make her to eat. I don't know what she likes but she needs to eat. It's my fault she's like that. I'm the one who gives the orders. I'm the one who sets how much they eat and when they shower. I give the orders on the beatings. I'm the reason she's likes this. If I would have went down there at least once I would have know she was down there. I could have stopped this. I have to find out who she is. I figure I could make her a sandwich and give her a chocolate chip cookie. I make the food and grab a bottle of water and go back up to the room. She sitting up on the bed when I come back in but she looking out the window. I guess she doesn't hear me come in. I set the plate in front of her and she jumps. When she sees me she moves all the way up against the headboard. I'm not going to hurt you I promise I brought you something to eat and drink. She looks and the food them me multiple times. You can eat it it's ok it's your food. I know your hungry go ahead eat up. I walk away and sit across the room. Maybe she will eat if I back away and give her space. After twenty minutes she still hasn't moved. So I'll leave the room and take a shower maybe she will eat it now. I'm going to so take a shower and I walk into the bathroom after grabbing a pair of shorts. Once I get into the bathroom I shut the door and start crying. This kills me but I'm gonna make it up to her I will figure out a way to make it better and make her feel safe with me,even if it's the last thing I do.

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