Chapter eight

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Lily's POV
When I wake up there are four men looking up at me and I recognize all of them. They found me I knew I shouldn't have stopped. Come down mutt. Im definitely not coming Down. After ten minutes of them trying to get me to come down they get annoyed and one of them starts hitting the tree. The whole tree is shaking and I can hear it started to crack. How is he doing that. I'm holding onto the tree for dear life but I lose my grip and fall out the tree. One of the men runs and grabs me. I start putting up a fight and the next thing I knew I'm out. When I wake up I'm in a place I've never seen before, but it smells like death. Just this awful smell. It's dark and cold and the floor is wet. I can't see what it is. My whole body hurts,but it won't be long and I won't feel anything .............I'll be dead. I'll finally be at peace . I'm scared to die but I'm also not. I hear footsteps coming towards me. I back away into the corner and curl into a ball shaking..... when I feel someone touch my face. I jerk back away from them. I hear a mans voice say "shhh it's ok I'm not going to hurt you I promise". I just whimper. I feel someone pick me up bridal style and I try to fight them off. Nothing works so I bite their arms really hard and they drop me so I land on the hard floor. "Ahhhh" I scream. I land on my hand and it really hurts. I think it's broken I can't move it, but it's not long before I feel a pinch on my neck and everything goes black.

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