Tea Time

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Adrien and I went back down the stairs to see Gabriel pacing around in circles. 

"Are you okay Father?" Asked Adrien.

 She knew exactly what was going through his mind, and she knew exactly how to fix it. 

"I'm... um.. just thinking Adrien." Gabriel was obviously thinking about something important, and Nathalie rushed back up the stairs and to the kitchen.

 "Hey!" His head turned around to see where she was running off to,"Nathalie where are you going?" Adrien followed her close behind. 

"Im getting tea, what else." Nathalie said as she pushed open the large kitchen doors. She started to take the tea pot when Adrien grabbed her hand. 

"Your to young for that now!" He looked alarmed as he snatched the tea pot from her. "Let me help you." Adrien got started on filling the huge pot with water, while Nathalie was looking for the right kind of tea in the pantry. 

"Of course I can't reach the best one..." She mumbled as she started poking around for a stool. 

A cheerful voice came from behind her, "You need any help with that?" Adrien smiled.

"...Yes.." She felt her pride take another hit as Adrien lifted her to get the tea. 

Adrien was beaming with happiness, he looked like the last time his Father, Emilie, and himself went on a picnic. 

She moved past him with a small smile on her face. "How much longer do you think it will take?" Nathalie asked. 

"Just as long as usual." He took his phone out, and opened the new Miraculous crush game. "Here want to play this while we wait?" Adrien handed Nathalie the phone.

She fought every urge to say yes, but in the end she failed. "Do.. you have.. um.."

"Have what?" Adrien asked as he got down to her level.

"T-tetris..?" She handed the phone back to him. 

"I think so." He started to look through his phone, he didn't normally play older type games such as Tetris or Pacman. Adrien was surprised when he actually did find Tetris pop someplace hidden in a folder. 

"Here, I'm shocked I even had it!" He laughed as he handed her the phone.

Nostalgic memories overwhelmed her. This was her favorite game as a child. "Thanks, Adrien." She said grabbing the phone.  Nathalie started playing a few rounds of Tetris until she realized what time it was. 

"Im late!!" She started to run out the door, when Adrien grabbed arm.

 "Your not late, your going to be taking a break until your an adult again." 

How could he even say that so calmly! She has a job, and just because Hawkmoth is terrorizing the city of Paris. Doesn't mean work stops!

 "Adrien, I have to continue to work. Just because I'm a few sizes smaller doesn't mean I don't have to work." 

"Fine.." Adrien looked disappointed when he heard her words. "Can I at least help you bring the tea downstairs?" 

She looked up at him and nodded, they started walking towards Gabriel's office in silence. 

(I tried out a new way of writing for my fanfics I hope its better :D)

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