His worst nightmare

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Gabriel set his foot outside the front door, he hadn't gone to the market ever since he hired Nathalie. He absolutely hated going to the market, having to deal with people coming up to him or even having to autograph somebody's cereal box! After 20-30 minutes of driving to the fanciest market in town he set his foot in the store. 

"What a horrible place.." He thought as he scanned his surroundings.

Everything looked out of place it was completely renovated! "Ugh.." He mumbled as he took a cart. "She probably wants some.." It hit him like a ton of bricks he had no idea what she liked. He started dialing Adrien's phone. 

"What is it Dad?" Adrien answered the phone.

"Can you ask Nathalie what kind of soup she likes?"  

"Oh, ya of course. Nathalie," he tapped on the bundle of blankets. 

"What..." A weak voice came from underneath.

"Father wants to know what kind of soup you like." Nathalie peeked her head out from underneath the blankets, after he spoke.


"She said she wanted ramen." Adrien replied.

"Okay, Thanks Adrien." Gabriel said as he hung up the phone.

Hmm.. Gabriel walked down the isle's it all seemed to blend in. Everything looked the same he didn't even know where he could find anything. At last he found the medicine, now he just had to find the right one. He must of looked through 100's of medicine's before he had given up. 

"Maybe I should ask somebody.." Gabriel thought as he approached a store clerk stocking the shelves.

"Excuse me but could you show me to medicine for kids?" He looked down on her.

"Of course sir. Wait a moment.." She started looking at him up and down.

"Have we uhm.. Met somewhere before?" Gabriel was doomed she was starting to realize who he was, and even worse she was holding a magazine with his face on it.

"No, I don't think we have." He replied stiffly.

"I really think we have.. Wait are you Gabriel Agreste?" She started looking at the magazine and then at him.

"Um.. yes I am Gabriel Agreste..?" 

She gasped as she clutched the wall from excitement. "Oh my god you're my favorite designer ever! I cant believe it! I mean I've met your assistant but I've never thought I'd meet you!" She spoke quickly. 

"Well.. I actually really need to be going.. Can you just show me to the children medicine please?" He started getting nervous.

"Oh, yes of course can you please sign this. Wait where did it go!" She started looking in her pockets. 

"Miss can we plea-"

"No! Just a few more seconds." She interrupted.  

"Fine." He stiffly replied.

After a few minutes she finally found her phone and a sharpie.

"Here, please autograph it my name is Beebie the third." 

Yikes he thought as he started autographing her phone. "Now can you please show me to the medicine for kids?"

"Oh! Yes of course sir anything for you~" She flirted which made him cringe with disgust on the inside.

He followed her and to his demise it was right in front of his face. 

"Thank you miss." He replied as she left. "Here we go children Motrin and Benadryl."

"Next was soup," He had already passed the isle so he was able to find it easily. 

He grabbed some ramen packets, and then decided to get her something the toy isle. 

"She's going to hate me for doing this but I hope she'll enjoy it." Gabriel mumbled as he grabbed a cinnamon brown teddy bear, that had a small red bow tied around its neck.

He started heading towards the ending zone the checkout. "Finally.." He thought. 

Lucky for Gabriel there was a self check out. 

"Have a nice day Gabrielkins~," The words sent shivers down his spine it reminded him of Audrey Bourgeois in high school.

He stepped out of the store he was safe everything was great until he hit the paparazzi, that store clerk must of posted something on social media. Gabriel walked through the crowd of people trying to get to his car.

When he finally did make it past everybody he drove away as fast as the law would allow him to.

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