Is she okay?

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Hawkmoth looked horrified at what just happened nothing was making sense. 

"Chat! Follow him!" Screamed Ladybug as she fought off the sentimonster.  

Hawkmoth fled the scene and Chat followed soon afterwards. He jumped over and under buildings only hoping she was ok. 

"Come back here Grandpa!" Chat teased as he jumped behind him.

"Stupid teenager," he growled. 

"The subway! Thats where I'll loose him." He thought. 

Hawkmoth jumped down the stairs, and then ducked behind the wall. Chat noir had run right past him. "How stupid," Hawkmoth sneered.

He started making his way back to the mansion. Hawkmoth transformed back into Gabriel as he jumped through the large butterfly window. 

"Mayura!" Gabriel rushed over to her limp body and held her in his arms. He took off her brooch and she changed back into Nathalie. 

"Nathalie wake up.." He whispered, all he wanted for her was to wake up.. Gabriel later carried her to the living room, and placed her delicately on the couch. 

"Hi Father!" Adrien said cheerfully has he walked in the door. "Hi Nat-" He saw her passed out on the couch.

"What happened!?" He rushed over to Nathalie and Gabriel. "Is she okay?!" Adrien questioned.

"Im not sure.. I already called the doctors.." Gabriel replied then started stroking Nathalies hair.

Small child like coughs came from Nathalie as she laid unconscious. A moment after a knock on the door the Gorilla had escorted the doctor over to them, or as they most commonly knew her as Veronica. 

"Hello, Mr. Agreste- You had another?" She looked at Nathalie

"No, she was hit by the beams of the last akuma victim. She's my assistant Nathalie." He reassured her.

"Oh, Im extremely sorry Mr. Agreste... So what seems to be the problem today?" 

"She um.. started coughing violently then she passed out." Gabriel was never good at lying but at least it fooled them. Its not like he could say she's using a broken Miraculous.

Veronica started off by just checking her, then she started putting the cold stethoscope on her chest which woke her up. 

Nathalie started to have a cough attack, after it died down she rested her head on Gabriel's lap.

"Miss, can you put this under you tongue?" She held out the thermometer. Nathalie responded by closing her mouth tightly. 

"Let me try.." Gabriel grabbed the thermometer from the Doctor. "Nathalie say Ahhh," Nathalie opened her mouth and kept it under her tongue.

After a couple minutes Veronica took the thermometer from her mouth and looked at her temperature.

"Your going to want to keep her temperature down.. It's pretty high." 

"Of course.." Gabriel replied. 

"Do you have any Benadryl or Motrin for kids?" Veronica asked.

"I might but It's probably expired.." He started rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well I would give you some but I just gave it to the last people I visited." She started looking through her bag.

"I can always run out to the store to get some." Gabriel stiffly replied. He absolutely hated leaving the house but with Nathalie out of the question and the Gorilla was acting more dumb than usual he was the only adult left. 

"Ok, if your going to be doing that. It looks like my job here is done." Veronica said standing up.

"Oh here let me pay you." Gabriel said handing out the money.

"Thank you, Mr. Agreste. Just make sure she gets lots of rest and that her temperature doesn't get any higher." She said walking out the door.

"There must be some sort of darn curse on this house." Veronica thought as she left the mansion.

A series of small coughs came from Nathalie in the living room.

"Adrien, I'm going to the store. Take care of Nathalie until I get back." He said as he walked towards the front door.

"Of course, Father." Adrien replied as he laid the blankets over Nathalie.

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