Weekend at the Agrestes

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"Ow..." She rubbed the area where Duusu had been pinching her.

"Im sorry it had to be done Miss Nathalie." She floated in front of her face.

Nathalie walked up the marble stair case the clicking of her heels echoed in the foyer. Admiring the vast amounts of artwork that lined the hallways to the Agrestes wing.

She had been in his room several times when she was changed into a child. So why didn't she ever look at these paintings they're absolutely breathtaking. The vast amount of skill it takes to make these.

One seemed to stand out it was a picture made by a child. She picked it up memories flooding into her. A hand drawn picture from Adrien of her, him, and Gabriel. "I can't believe he kept this.. Its even framed.." Her fingers traced across the expensive silver and gold frame. She had helped him draw this.. They were all holding hands like a family.. 'Oh god I'm such a wreck..' Nathalie thought as she wiped her tears.

She quickly took a picture of it with her cellphone, and left to find Gabriels room.

The large black marble door with beautiful etching engraved into it, this was defiantly his room.

Nathalie softly knocked on the door, "Gabriel can I come I-in?"

"Of course." He answered from inside.

"oh my....his hair..its not combed b-back.." She thought as she coughed a bit to hide over her blush.

Gabriels white blonde hair with a grayish tint was disheveled. 'Imagine a leather jacket Nathalie..Stop it stop it.. what if he wore leather pants... STOPP!!!' She was having a war inside her head as she imagined a bad boy Gabe.

"Nath I'm sure they'll not fit but at least it'll be comfortable." He handed her one of his t-shirts  and sweatpants.

"T-thank you." Blush crept onto her cheeks as she walked into his bathroom.

She inhaled the strong aroma of expensive cologne that consumed his clothes.

"It even still smells like him..." Hugging the clothes close to her she undressed and ran a hot shower.

'His soap...hmm...........' She quickly chose his soap instead of finding a new bar.


The steam billowed out of the door when she exited the shower.

Cold marble floors and a priceless chandelier hung over her head. Everything was absolutely beautiful.. It wouldn't hurt if she took a little gander around her closet right?

A small black box with red writing caught her eye, she warily opened it taking a few looks around before she did.

All of her fantasies sitting in a small box.. a leather jacket, and there were more.. 

A pair of leather pants.. and an oversized t shirt with the logo of an old rock band.

She clasped her mouth shut as her jaw dropped a choker, earrings, and black nail polish... 

These were priceless carefully looking through for a picture a tiny college graduation photo..

"P-P-Piercings.." She quickly took a photo and packed it away where she found it.

Hastily she threw on the clothes and got ready for bed.

"Nath are the clothes okay?" Gabriel asked looking up from his tablet.

She nodded walking over to the bed.

"Just try and get some rest. Im going to be working on some designs." He put his tea on the coffee table in front of the chair he sat on.

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