Chapter 1: An Introduction

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 You were jumping from treetop to treetop. A smile graced your lips as the flames danced throughout the forest. The students scattered on the ground as your comrades searched for the target.

Your name is Y/N Yaoyorozu, better known as the villain, Yin. Your life of crime began 10 years ago when you were 6. You used to be known as Momo Yaoyorozu's twin sister, a young girl with a strong quirk who wanted nothing more than to be a hero. Sadly, life was not in your favour. Your quirk; destruction, was practically the exact opposite of your sister's. Instead of creating things, you destroyed them. And instead of losing power when you did this, you gained power. Despite the potential you showed, your parents hated you for your abilities, favouring Momo at every chance. Most days it seemed as though Momo was the only one who cared for you.

Now that doesn't explain why you were currently helping kidnap a U.A. student, but we're getting to that. One night, while you were stuck in your room during a party that you weren't invited to, a terrible accident occurred. Your house caught on fire, you barely escaped with your life. In fact, the only reason you did escape alive was because of a certain warp gate. When you woke up in a strange, dirty place you immediately asked what happened.

"There was a fire," the man you now know to be Kurogiri had said, "a fire that was started by the 'hero' Endeavor."

You so clearly remember asking if your family was alive, if they were here, and when you could see them again.

"I am so sorry, young one. Your family didn't make it out alive. No one had managed to save them, no one even tried."

You remember crying, crying for days. You remember finally looking at yourself in a mirror and crying even more. There was a massive burn scar on your face that ran down past your lips. If that wasn't bad enough there were also some matching scars on your arms and legs.

But more than anything, you remember a boy, with light blue hair and pale dry skin just a little older than you helping you through it. Since that day he and you trained together, learned together, grew together. However, as time passed and he got more responsibility, your undeniable friendship drifted apart. And now, instead of your friend, he was your boss. But that doesn't mean you weren't still loyal to him. Cue you being his little lookout during a mission being lead by a person who only joined the league recently. But whatever, your job may not be that important but you were going to do it well, no mistakes, no flaws. Or at least, that's what you thought you would do before you caught a glimpse of a two-toned boy.

Endeavour's son.


Hey guys! So there are a couple of things I want to add:

First, your weapon(s) of choice were two katanas that you keep strapped to your back. Your villain costume consists of a black mask that you can see out of but others see blackness with a white dot on your forehead. You wear black short shorts with fishnets that go down to your black combat boots. You also wear a black crop top with the fishnets underneath. On top of your shirt, you wear a black leather jacket.

Second, your villain name is Yin because when you and Momo were little, you would often refer to yourselves as yin and yang, destruction and creation. So, whenever you played heros you would always use those names.

Finally, since you and Tomura have very similar quirks, they don't work on each other. You can't harm him with it, and he can't harm you with it.

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