Chapter 9: A Disaster

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 Once the water tunnel was cleared, the day went on as usual. You walked around your base, greeting people and helping out whenever you could. Kura had left shortly after the clearing to try and find her father with Noboru's help - goodness is that guy hard to find.

"Good morning Arata! How's the farm doing today?" you smiled at your resident gardener.

"Morning Y/N! Crops are doing great! And I think the animals are doing well too, thank's to Shizen." Arata smiled back at you, his green eyes glimmering in his sunlight.

Shizen was a young woman who joined the group a couple of weeks ago. She has short black hair and chocolate coloured skin. Shizen's quirk is called connection, she can create a connection between herself and any other living creature, resulting in mutual understanding. This had allowed her to help care for the animals you had stolen a while ago from a nearby farm.

You waved goodbye to your friend and started to head over to see Shizen when you got a message:

Emergency in Japan, come quickly - Noboru

You ran towards the nearest elevator - installed by Noboru and a couple of other residents (the farm is on the bottom floor) - and pressed the button that leads to your center of operations.

When you got there, Noboru ushered you to a seat. "Look, look, look!" he pointed at the monitors, where flames roared and people ran, heros darting every-which-way trying to help.

"What... happened?" you asked, glancing at Kura who was intensely watching the screen, her eyes wide and her hand over her mouth.

Noboru answered for her, "We're not sure. We had finally found Eraserhead and was about to pinpoint his location when there was an explosion. Then more and more explosions... then this."

Your eyes saddened, "Well," you took a deep breath, "there isn't much we can do to help at the moment. We should make more room though, chances are some people are going to need a place to stay. Noboru, I want you to keep eyes on the outskirts of the city, in case anyone goes to leave and needs some help. Kura, you need to-Kura?" She wasn't looking at you. Her eyes watched her father fighting villains and flames, trying to keep the public safe. You grabbed her and turned her to you, "Kura listen to me. There isn't anything you can do for him right now. He's a hero, he'll be okay. Right now I need you to tell our group what's going on."

Kura nodded and was about to get up when a buzzing sound filled the room. You stopped and looked down at the phone in your pocket. Only one person had that number who wasn't in the room with you right now. Only one person and you haven't heard from her in seven years.

Your hands shaked as they reached down to the small device, your voice cracked as you answered it, "He-hello?"

Momo's P.O.V.

Fire. Fire was everywhere. I just finished helping a family out of there home, when I looked around. This was too much, I needed help. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone.


"Shoto! I need help! There's fire everywhere, and villains everywhere too. I can't do this alone, please!"

"It's by you too?"

"What do you mean?"

"The attacks, they've happened all over Japan. No one knows how they started, but it happened all at once, and no one's been able to stop it."

"What about Midoriya?"

"Deku? He has his hands tied too, this is bad Momo."


I'm not sure how, but eventually, my old classmates and I all got together by the center of the city. We were currently in a protective circle around some families that were vacationing in a nearby hotel.

"We aren't going to win this today!" I heard Kirishima yell out to us.

"Well what can we do?" shouted another one of my classmates, "It's not like we have anywhere to go!"

I heard one of Bakugo's explosions behind me, along with the familiar battle cries of my friends. What can I do? My mind thought back to the families we were protecting. Where can we go? We have nowhere to- wait. But what if we do? I thought back to the note my sister left in my hands all those years ago. A single phone number. It was tucked away in my costume, I never left home without it.

"Cover me!" I shouted to no one in particular, as I stepped back into the circle. My hands fumbled as I pulled out the note and my phone. It wrung 1 time. 2 times. 3 times. What if she doesn't pick up? What if she doesn't have the phone anymore? What if-


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