Chapter 4: A Conversation

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Momo's P.O.V

As I left the rooftop, I couldn't help but feel as if I knew the villain I was talking to. I mean, we have technically met before, when we saved Bakugo, but... I don't know, should I tell someone about her? I said I wouldn't report her, but I wouldn't be reporting her if I told one person right? When I got back to the school grounds the bell rang, well, one thing's for sure, she does have good timing. I sighed as I walked into the building, maybe I'll tell someone about it. Ya, after class, on our way to the dorms, I'll talk to my best friend about it, and get their opinion.

Back to your P.O.V

You watched your sister walk inside the school. She seemed conflicted, sad even. You hope it wasn't because of you, even though that's probably the case. The last thing you want to do is hurt her.

When the final bell rang, you grabbed your pair of binoculars and watched the door for Momo. And there she was. She was walking to their dorm building with, is that Todoroki? She's friends with Endeavor's son, after what his dad did to your family?! You mean sure, you've seen them together a couple of times, but you always thought that was because she had no other choice!

You watched on, as Momo talked to the boy beside her she looked just as she had after their meeting. Conflicted and sad. She wasn't talking to him about it, was she? You frowned slightly as Todoroki put his hand on her shoulder. How dare he touch her! How dare he even be walking with her! But your scowl softened as you saw Momo relax a little, maybe talking with Endeavor's son wasn't such a bad thing. They continued talking and you continued watching as the went into the dorm building. If only you could hear what they were saying. Aha! You could hear what they were saying, you just needed to get some equipment, and get closer.

When you *acquired* the tools you would need to listen to the conversation, you set to work getting closer to the dorms. Before you left, you checked to make sure there was no one around and that the students were still talking in the lounge area. Everything was just as you needed it to be, perfect.

You snuck down to the building, avoiding all the security (Idk how you just did for the sake of the story), and set up the equipment. The first thing you heard was Todoroki's voice. (In case you're wondering why they are just now starting to talk, they all went to get changed and Momo was struggling with telling them because she was nervous.)

"Ok Yaomomo, tell them what you told me."

Next was Momo's voice, she took a deep breath then spoke, "Ok, please don't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you, at least not yet." You heard the rest of the class agree. "Do you guys remember when Bakugo got kidnapped?"

"Of course we remember, that wasn't that long ago." You didn't recognize that voice, it sounded feminine.

"Right, well, do you remember some of the villains that were there? Specifically a villain with two katanas and a black mask with a white dot on the forehead?"

"No? What's this about Yaomomo?" The same voice again.

"Well, she's been watching me -"

Before she could continue, the class collectively shouted in worry. On the other side of the wall, you frowned. She told people about her. Technically she isn't reporting you, but one of these people was bound to do that!

"Guys calm down! Let her continue explaining!" That voice you did recognize. It was Shoto Todoroki.

"Thank you, Shoto," First name basis?! "As I was saying, she's been watching me and today at lunch, I - I met up with her."

"You WHAT?!" the class shouted.

"That was dangerous!"

"What did she say?"

"Is she good now or something?"

"You know, for a smart girl, that was really stupid."

Momo took a deep breath, "I know it was dangerous, but I just wanted to know what she was doing. She said she's no longer with the League and that she just found me interesting, but I don't know if I can trust that."

"You shouldn't!-"

That's it. You've heard enough. With a saddened heart, you left. She didn't trust you. You mean, it makes sense, but it still hurt. She was your sister, granted she didn't know that but still.

When you got back to your lookout spot you decided to just go to sleep. You unrolled your sleeping bag, placed your pillow down, and got comfy. How would Momo react if she found out who you were? Would she believe it? If she did, would she be happy? Mad? All of the above? With those last thoughts, you closed your eyes.

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