Chapter 3: A Meeting

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 It had been a couple of weeks and before you left the League of Villains, you grabbed what little belongings you had from the hideout; a blanket, a pillow, and a slightly burnt picture of you with your family. You had also grabbed some food, a pair of small binoculars for surveillance, and an old umbrella from the group's pile of stolen loot. Since then, you've been sleeping on rooftops searching for where Momo could be. You had been all over the place, and now you were headed back to Musutafu because you heard they had built dorms for the students. And after seeing Momo with Todoroki, you were pretty sure she went to U.A, why wouldn't she? She has an awesome quirk. (Btw you didn't watch the sports festival)

It was night when you arrived at the outskirts of U.A, so you decided to sleep on one of the neighbouring buildings and keep a lookout for your sister in the morning. You set up quickly and unwrapped a granola bar you had stolen a couple of days ago for dinner. It was your last one, you'd have to find a store to steal from the next day.

After eating, and taking a sip from your almost-empty-water bottle (you'd have to find a fountain or something too) you laid down to sleep, "I'll find you Momo, I can promise you that."

The next morning you woke up with the sun. You packed up your supplies and hid them nearby, you were going to be camping out there for a while. You glanced up at the dorm buildings, seeing no lights on, you figured everyone was still sleeping. That means time to get breakfast. Your stomach grumbled, yup, definitely time to get breakfast.

You hopped around from building to building for a while trying to remember where the closest convenience store was. When you found it, you noticed it was closed. Perfect. You broke the lock on the door, nothing too bad, but still noticeable. You quickly headed inside and grabbed a few things, mainly water, dried fruit, and granola bars. But you only took as much as you needed, never more.

By the time you got back to your lookout spot, you noticed there were some people training on the school field. You quietly made your way over to see it. When you got there you immediately noticed your sister. She was chatting happily with someone with short purple hair and something dangling from her ears. She laughed, and you smiled. It was good to know that your sister was ok after everything.

A couple of weeks passed, and you've kept watching your sister, trying to work up the courage to talk to her, to be reunited. You were munching on one of your granola bars, observing the students enjoying their lunch break. You couldn't find Momo, usually, you'd be able to see her through the school windows sitting in the cafeteria with her friends, you could see her friends, but not her. You sighed, continuing to scan the area. When you couldn't find her from where you were, you decided to make your way around the main building like you did the first time you came here.

After searching, you went back to your lookout spot, only to be surprised with who you found there.

"Why are you watching me?" She asked. In her hands was a spear, supposedly to defend herself in case this encounter went bad.

Momo, it was Momo! You opened your mouth only for no words to come out. How did she notice in the first place? Not even U.A's security system could.

"Well? You're that villain who broke the wall when we rescued Bakugo right? What are you doing here? Are you guys trying to capture another student? Well, that's not going to happen on my watch! I'll tell the school where you are! I'll-"

You interrupted her, "You- haven't told anyone yet?" Your voice sounded small, that was the very first thing you said to your sister after 10 years.

"I uh, no I haven't."


"I'm not sure. But don't change the topic! What are you doing here? Why are you watching me?!"

You hesitated, if you told her that you were her long lost sister, she surely wouldn't believe you and report you to the cops. "Uhmm, I- I found you interesting."

She raised her eyebrow and slightly relaxed her stance, "Interesting?"

"Uh ya! I uhm, your quirk is... oh! Are, are you going to report me? I'm not with the League anymore to answer one of your questions, so you don't need to worry about me attempting to kidnap one of you."

"That's good to know I guess. And I guess I won't report you as long as you don't hurt anyone," by now you were both sitting together, and you were munching on another granola bar. Momo looked at you quizzically, "Hey, where'd you get that?"

"You, don't want to know. Anyway the bells about to ring, you should go."

Momo checked the time and stood up, she looked at you one last time, glancing disapprovingly down at the bar that your eating, and left.

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