Chapter 7: A Goodbye

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Back to your P.O.V

Now that people knew you were here you had to leave, but you had to talk to Momo first. She could come with you, you could live together in the mountains! With both of you together, you would survive easily.

You watched as the lights of class 1A's turned off one by one and when every light was off you made your way to the building. You snuck your way to Momo's dorm room balcony, knocked, and then waited for your sister to come to greet you. The door opened and there stood Momo, sleepily rubbing her eyes. She looked up at you and you smiled, pulling off your mask in the process.

"You don't know how good it feels to talk to you without anything in between us."

Momo looked up as you spoke, her eyes trailing the scar that ran across your face. "Why didn't you come back before?" her voice broke and tears ran down her face, "We- We thought you were dead! We mourned for you! I-I missed you so much, I still miss you."

You shushed her by giving her a warm hug, and as she cried into your shoulder you said, "I didn't come for you because I thought you died. I thought that Endeavor burned our home down and everyone just watched it fall. I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I didn't find you earlier." You two stood there enjoying each other's warm embrace until you heard movement behind you, "Who knows I'm here?" you whispered.

"Hunh? No one I-," Momo looked behind her at Kyoka who seemed to be on the phone. After Momo's revelation, she didn't want to sleep alone and they had decided on a sleepover. "Kyoka? What did you do?"

You looked back and saw Eraserhead making his way over and quickly turned back to your sister, "I have to go."

"Wha- Why? We just, we just reunited I-"

"Shhh shhh, if I stay I'll go to prison, I need to go, but I don't have to go alone." Momo looked at you curiously, "You could come with me! We can go live in the mountains or prairies or somewhere else entirely! Please Momo, come with me."

Momo backed away from you, "I'm sorry, I can't. I have a future here, friends. I'm sorry"

You smiled at her sadly, you figured this would happen so before you left you handed your sister a note, "If you ever need me, call me, and I'll come." With that, you jumped away.

Momo's P.O.V

Mr. Aizawa came up to me shortly after Yin - Y/N left. He asked what happened.

"My sister was just saying goodbye," I had said.

"Did she leave anything behind?"

I had kept the paper hidden and shook my head no, "She just wanted to say goodbye, I'm sorry for bothering you, sir."

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