Chapter 8: A Family

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WARNING: Mentions of abuse

Your P.O.V

It had been 7 years. 7 years since you left Momo on her balcony that night. How has she been doing? Did she ever think about contacting you? Or did she just throw the message away? You placed your hand over the burner phone that rested in your pocket. Either way, you couldn't afford to go looking for her now. You have too much you need to protect. You looked out at the society you helped create. You had found so many people who needed a home, and you gave the one.

You looked at your second in command, "So Kura, what's on the agenda for today?"


Once you left your sister you gathered up the belongings and headed towards the mountain range. It took 9 days to get there. When you arrived, you used your quirk to carve out a cave on the base of one of the mountains. It wasn't pretty. You had only known how to destroy whole things, not little pieces of them. You lived there alone for about 5 days, on the 6th day, you met her.

It was pouring outside. You had collected a bunch of wood from the forest outside the day before as you had seen the incoming storm clouds. She had stumbled into your cave, tired, wet, and hungry. By the time you noticed her she had already collapsed. You had picked her up and laid her by the fire. You had used your quirk to create another little bowl for your new guest. You had practised using your quirk for precision cuts every opportunity that presented itself. Your guest stirred as you began placing half of your remaining dinner in the bowl in front of her.

"Where am I?" her voice came out weak, she was obviously young, no older than 12.

"You're in my cave. You collapsed shortly after coming in," you pushed the bowl towards her, "here eat up. You look hungry."

The girl quickly started eating the meal, "So," you said, "What's your name?"

"Kura Aizawa," the girl said between bites.

You had recognized that name immediately, "What are you doing here?"

Kura froze, "My- mother was hurting me. Papa told me to run away, he said he'd find me when he could. So I ran here..."

You had continued to eat in silence until you noticed Kura had finished her food, you offered her the rest of yours. "Can I ask, what your quirk is?"

"It's called reflect. I can reflect people's attacks back at them. What's your's?"



As time went on, you had expanded deeper into the mountain, and you began living more comfortably. You met more and more people, mainly kids, and they soon became your family. There was a little boy named Arata who could create artificial sunlight that allowed plants to grow faster and bigger.

Soon enough you had completely hollowed out the mountain, with more people and more quirks your group quickly advanced. When you needed something no one could provide, you went into town to get it. You didn't get anything more, nor anything less, than what you needed.

~End of Flashback~

"Nothing much. Oh! The water tunnel got blocked up, we need you to get rid of the rubble."

You used to be a lot busier. Nowadays you just walked around speaking with the citizens of your group or watching the cameras that were added when a man by the name of Noboru joined. He used to be a criminal and specialized in hacking. You and your people didn't judge the people who came and instead of shunning him, you welcomed him and he was able to advance your society even more. You now had tunnels all around Japan, and cameras placed around your base. Noboru sometimes hacked into security cameras in nearby towns and cities, just to keep up with what was happening. He would also aid you in retrieving necessities.

"Y/N?" Kura's voice snapped you out of your trance.

"Hm? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about all the progress we've made since we met," you smiled sheepishly at your friend, "Right, anyway, let's go clear that tunnel."


Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying my story so far! Like last time I did this, there are just a couple things I want to clear up;

Ok so it's been a very long time and you have been able to build a society with Kura. Kura is your closest friend in this society and is almost like a second sister. Also, your group has a couple of laws. First, no one leaves except for you unless absolutely necessary. Most of the people who stay with you need protection from something or someone and it's just a way to keep everyone safe. Second, everyone is welcome, and once they join they are treated as a new person and not judged by their past (unless they're murderers or something). And finally, this one isn't really a law but more of a thing people tend to do, people who live here help each other.

In case your wondering, Kura insisted on staying with you until her father found her for the first while, but then she started wanting to look for him. But she was torn, you had grown to be like an older sister to her and she wanted to stay and continue helping people. When Noboru joined she was relieved because she could look for her dad through the cameras.

Also, there is a small chain of command. You lead with Kura by your side. If you were to die, or had to leave for any reason, she would be in charge. Next would be Noboru, but he declined the offer in favour of staying behind the cameras. So Arata would lead if both you and Kura were unable to.

Lastly, most people know about your past. It's not a secret. No one judges you for it (at least, you don't think anyone judges you for it) and everyone still trusts you to lead them. This means you no longer wear your mask every second of every day. However, you do still wear it when you leave the mountain.

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