Chapter 10: A Plan of Action

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Back to your P.O.V.

"Y/N!" I flinched as I heard my sister's voice, "I'm so sorry, I haven't called you before! I know you must hate me, I know I shouldn't only be calling you because I need help. I KNOW this isn't fair but-"

"Woah woah, deep breath," you said to your sister, taking a deep breath of your own. "Now tell me, what do you need? Where are you?"

"I'm, I'm in the middle of Musutafu, there's so many of the Y/N, I'm sorry, but I need help, we can't do this alone!"

As your sister spoke, you motioned to Noboru to pinpoint their location. Once you had eyes on them, you understood the situation. Noboru brought up a map showing the nearest tunnel on a neighbouring monitor.

"Ok listen to me Momo, I'm going to give you to one of my friends, and he's going to direct you to a nearby tunnel, I'll meet you there." You handed your phone to Noboru, who immediately started giving directions. You looked at Kura, who stood up to go talk to the people. You glanced towards your old gear - you haven't needed to use it for 3 years, and suited up.

You ran down the tunnels, the screams of a burning country getting louder the closer you got to the city, to your sister. Your footsteps thudded against the ground, your mind thinking over everything you could do when you finally see your sister again. What would she do? What would you do? Is she hurt? Will she even be able to talk with you? Or will she be too focused on the task at hand? Will she bad mad at you for leaving her? Are you mad at yourself for leaving her? You couldn't say. All you knew was that you were so close to reuniting with your sister. Her and all her friends that she brought with her. Her and Todoroki.

You heard a stampede of footsteps coming towards you, and ran faster. In front of you, was a group of heroes led by Momo. She looked, tired. They all did. "Come on," you said, looking over the rest of the people you added, "we have a place for you all to stay, and some medicine that can help your injuries."

The families that had come with the heroes nodded thankfully, and you quietly turned to continue leading them down the tunnel.

Momo came up to you, "Y/N?"


"Can we talk?"

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I-I'm not sure. I just, I don't know. I wanted to apologize for not coming with you all those years ago. I was just scared and-"

You shushed her, "It's okay. I - we can chat once everyone is safe and accounted for okay?" You smiled lightly through your mask.

"Okay, but just one more thing?" you nodded to signal her to continue, "Why are you still wearing your mask?"

Your smile grew, "I haven't been, actually. I only put this on when I leave the mountain."

The tunnel fell silent once again, aside from the sound of feet on stone.

"Hey, isn't this that chick who helped kidnap me a couple of years ago?" You heard a rough voice ask, followed by a chorus of shhhhh's.

When you got back to the compound, a couple of residents helped escort the families to the hospital that you had created. You, on the other hand, lead the heroes to a small debriefing room.

"So," you began, "what happened?" you looked at your sister, "Why call me now?"

Your sister looked distraught, "I'm not entirely sure, one minute everything is fine, the next, everything's on fire."

You looked towards the number one hero, he looked like he was about to speak when Todoroki spoke up, "Hold on, how do we know we can trust you?"

Really? He's asking you this now? You looked at him exasperated, "Well, technically you don't. But I figured saving your lives, treating your wounds, and welcoming you into my home was enough."

Todoroki resided to silently glaring at you, still worried that you would hurt Momo. So Deku spoke up, "It just started out of nowhere, as Yaomomo said, one minute everything's fine, the next..."

"The next minute explosives go off and villains are popping out like daisies," said a young man with ash hair.

"Ah, Ground Zero, I was wondering when you wouldn't be able to keep quiet any longer," you stared at the man, a challenging smile on your face. This was the man you helped kidnap, therefore, this was the man who helped lead you to your sister.

"I must say thank you," everyone in the room looked at you shocked, "if it weren't for your- shall I say explosive personality, I never would've reunited with my sister."

Bakugo looked like he was about to attack you, but was calmed down by the redheaded man to his left, who had given him a kiss on the cheek once the blonde's tantrum stopped.

You raised your eyebrows then got back to the topic at hand. You turned back to the group, "Anyway, do you have any idea who started this mess?"

"Yes," a voice spoke up, a voice that was frankly unwelcome, "it was the League of Villains." Todoroki's icy stare met your own.

"Ok, you all are obviously uncomfortable with who I am, so let me make one thing clear to you. I don't like you. Especially you, Todoroki. And you don't like me, and that's okay. So listen up. This place that you are in is my home, has been for the last 7 years. You are guests in my home, and you are welcome. However, we do have some rules, the main one is people who come here leave their personal baggage at the door, so that's what you're going to do. Don't like it? You're free to go. Is that clear?"

Your rant earned you some glares and a particularly large gulp from the number one hero. You smiled, "Good, anyway on to our course of action," you pressed your finger to your ear, where a com piece was located, "Noboru, could you and Kura please come down here?"

The mention of the formal villain brought a couple of cries of protest, to which you reminded them of what you had just said. When Noboru and Kura came down to the meeting room, you started to form a plan. You and the heroes would go back into the city to help, with Noboru staying back to watch over the ordeal. Kura had insisted that she go with you, under the name Mirror, to help, and you reluctantly agreed.

"Okay so how are we gonna stop this mess from spreading?" Bakugo asked.

"I have a plan," you smiled sadly at Momo, and she instantly knew what you were talking about. When you were younger, you had talked about this feeling you had, you felt like you could destroy everything.


You had woken up on the floor, Momo hovering over you. "Momo!" you had cried.

"Y/N, what happened?"

"I-I had a nightmare, it felt like I was tearing everything apart! I, could feel everything crumbling and then there was nothing! Momo! What happened?"

At that, Momo had hugged you tighter, "Shhh, it's okay Y/N, it's okay."

~End of Flashback~

"Y/N no!"

"Sorry Momo, you know it's the only way to stop this."

"You could die! What about everything you've worked for? What about me?"

The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Kura looked at you, "Y/N? What is she talking about?"

You gulped, "You know what she's talking about."

Kura gasped, "No! No, you can't do that! You can't leave us!"

You grabbed Kura's shoulders, "Listen to me, Kura. I need to do this, but I can't if I think you, or any of them," you gestured to the people around you, "will get hurt, so you need to make sure everyone's out of the way okay?"

Kura struggled, "No you can't! You can't! We need you! What about all the people you've helped! We need a leader! We need-" she started to cry, "I need you."

You pulled the girl into a hug, "Shh, it's okay, Kura, it's okay. Look at me, everyone will be fine because you'll be there. Over the past 7 years, you've become a sister to me," you heard Momo deflate a little after hearing that, "and that's how I know you'll be fine. Now, are you ready to charge into battle with me Mirror?"

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