Chapter 2: A Kidnapping

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 "Well well well~" you sing-songed, "What do we have here?" You were up in the trees, hidden so that the two boys couldn't see you.

"What the heck was that?!" Bakugo shouted. Todoroki looked around warily.

You jumped down in front of them, "Endeavor's son, how lovely it is to finally meet you, oh! And Katsuki Bakugo, what are you doing here? You should be with my comrades."

"How do you know who we are?" Todoroki asked.

"Well Mr. Bakugo here is someone my group has been very interested in meeting," you said as you began to remove your mask, "and as for you Endeavor's son. Well, why wouldn't I know the son of the man who ruined my life?" You glared at him and tossed your mask to the ground. Upon noticing your scar, he reflexively reached up to his own. "Oh, you like my scar, do you? Well, I have some more, would you like to see?" You revealed the other scars that littered your arms and legs and began to take out your katana."

The boys in front of you noticed this and prepared to fight. But before you could charge into battle, you got a message in your earpiece, "Yin, where are you?! You're supposed to be on lookout, not fighting the students!" You rolled your eyes and backed up, grabbing your mask as you went.

"Guess I gotta go! I'll see you two soon~" You frowned to yourself, when would you get an opportunity to fight Todoroki again? Ughhh stupid lookout and stupid Dabi. You spoke into your earpiece, "Oh since I'm not allowed to fight them, you should know your oh so precious target was with me too."

"What! Where are you? Why didn't you get him?"

You gave him your last position, "And I didn't get him because someone told me to back off."

"Ughh, why are you so - whatever. Stay out of fights."

You rolled your eyes and got back to work. Soon enough, you were told to meet back up to go back to the hideout, you jumped in just as Dabi grabbed a marble that supposedly had Bakugo in it.

You noticed Todoroki on the ground and as Mr. Compress released Bakugo from the marble, you smirked at him. "Told you I'd see you soon Todoroki," you said as you roughly linked your arm around Bakugo's, sending an obnoxious wave to the students. With that, you left through the portal.

When you got back you helped secure Bakugo to the chair then left to go train. You were never one for interrogations or Tomura's 'business proposals'.

You were working hard, practicing with daggers instead of your katanas, when you felt your body turning into a liquid. Next thing you know you're standing in the middle of some ruins, by the Nomu facility. You watched as the battle went on, during unplanned battles you always tried to stay in the shadows until you were ready.

You were sneaking along the far wall when a giant ice ramp broke through it. You jumped back, katanas in hand. Then you saw a group of kids fly off of it, you watched in amazement as Bakugo flew up to meet them, you were going to walk away when you heard feet shuffling behind the wall.

You put your hand up against it and felt the familiar rush of power you got whenever you used your quirk. The wall crumbled beneath your touch, and when it was finally gone you looked up and stopped. In front of you were two people, Endeavor's son and.... no. It can't be. She died. She was dead. She can't be here, she just, she can't. "Momo?" you mumbled.

She gasped when you said her name, and Todoroki pushed her behind him protectively. You just continued to stare at them as they slowly backed away. When they were finally gone, you broke down. She's alive, she's alive! You aren't alone! You can be together! You can- you can't. You can't be together while you're a criminal, you need to leave now. As you stood up to leave, you looked back at those who you have called family for the past 10 years. They lied to you, about everything. Your family survived the fire, Momo survived the fire. You couldn't stay with them, not anymore. Not when your sister is out there. And with your mind made up, you turned and ran away.

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