Chapter 11: A Battle

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 When you all got to the city, you split up, covering more ground and helping more people. You started heading towards the center, Noboru's voice in your ears.

"You sure you wanna do this boss lady?"

You grinned at the use of the nickname, given to you when he first joined the group. "Ready as I'll ever be."

As you walked, you directed any citizens towards the tunnels and told any heroes to get out, assuring them that you were only here to put a stop to this madness.

When you got to the center, you noticed Eraserhead there, and his daughter running towards him from a nearby street. You stood silently for a moment, watching them reunite, large smiles on both of their faces. Sadly, you had to ruin their moment.

You walked up to them with your own smile, one of both joy and despair. You nodded at your second in command, "It's time."

You watched as her smile turned into a frown, "Y/N please, there must be another way!" You shook your head.

Then Eraserhead spoke up, "What's going on? How do you know my daughter?"

Ahh, so he did recognize you, "It's too hard to explain, now please, for your own safety, get out of the city."

"Is that a threat?"

Kura grabbed her father, "No Pappa, she just wants to help. She raised me after I left, please, trust her."

Eraserhead still looked skeptical, so you lightly started pushing him away, "Please sir, we don't have much time, leave."

Kura looked back at you, "Not without you."

You ignored her, opting to convince her father instead, "Sir, my quirk is destruction, and I'm about to destroy everything to get this to stop, so please, get her out of here!" Your voice turned desperate, "Please! You both need to go!"

Eraserhead started pulling on his daughter's hand, "Kura..."

"No! I'm not leaving her!"

You smiled one last time then sat on the ground, your hands together. When you closed your eyes, the destruction began. Slowly at first, to give your friend enough time.

"No! Please! Not today! Not now! Please Y/N! I just got everything back! Don't you leave me now! Please!"

Eraserhead was carrying her kicking and screaming, but she would not let up, "Y/N! No! Please!" tears were running down her face, "Please! Y/N..."

Momo's P.O.V.

Everyone was safely out of the city. Everyone except Mr. Aizawa and Kura. Where were they?

"No! Y/N!" I heard her screams long before I saw them, but my old teacher appeared, his daughter thrown over his shoulders, still trying to get back to my sister. He wore a blank expression.

I could see the destruction behind them, everything withering away before my eyes. My home. Gone. And my sister...

I felt the world around me stop as I heard an anguished cry coming from deep within the city. And I knew. It was Y/N. She overloaded herself, the destruction tore her apart. Gasps of both terror and amazement rippled through the crowd. Kura was still wailing but was now on her knees. Without thinking I rushed towards the edge, I could feel the raw power coming from the city. It was as if the fires never left. I fell to my knees, my face void of any emotions.

"Momo?" I heard Kyoka's voice above the rest. "Momo we should get going, there are still a ton of people who need our help."

I nodded and silently stood. As I looked around, I noticed Kura clinging to her father's leg, shaking uncontrollably. I walked over to her. When she looked up at me I knew. Nothing would be the same again.

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