Chapter 6: A Memory

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Momo's P.O.V.

"What did she mean by that?"

"Are you ok?"

"We should probably get back to school."

"Why the heck did I have to be here for this?!"

I drowned out the rest of my class's comments. It couldn't be... It just couldn't! She- she died. I cried for her! I went to her funeral! I still hadn't moved my hand from covering my mouth, and I felt tears sliding down my face. Y/N....?

"Hey, hey! Guys give her some space!"

I looked to my side to see Jirou looking at me with worry, "Thanks, Kyoka" She smiled warmly at me.

We were walking back to class, thankfully no one had asked me about what happened yet, but I could tell Shoto and Kyoka were internally dying to know why I was so upset, so I told them I'd tell them after school.

The rest of the day I couldn't focus properly, which caused me to lose all my training matches. When the day was finally over I gestured to my two friends to follow me to my dorm room.

We all sat down on my bed (I had managed to switch out the bigger one for a slightly smaller one), and I took a deep breath before I began my story.

"When I was younger, I had a sister. Her name was Y/N Yaoyorozu. She- she died, ten years ago in a fire, or at least we thought she did. Her quirk was the opposite of mine, I used energy to create things, she destroyed things and gained energy. We used to play heros," I smiled slightly, "when we played heros we would use the names 'Yin' and 'Yang', destruction and creation. Y/N was always so happy, even though our parents didn't seem to appreciate her as much.

"She actually got her quirk first you know. My parents were a little horrified. She had accidentally destroyed the kitchen table while she was upset, the right after she jumped up higher than we thought was humanly possible. When I got my quirk the next day, my parents were supportive and proud, but Y/N was even more so. She was so happy!" My smile turned sad, "When she died my entire family was sad, but I remember waking up one night - I wasn't used to the quite because we shared a room and she used to snore - and I went downstairs, and overheard my parents talking. 'Thank goodness it wasn't Momo,' they had said. I didn't know what to do so I just walked back up to bed.

"I-I've missed her every day. Every time I get closer to becoming a hero I think of her. I debated using Yang as my hero name instead of Creati like we had talked about, but it was too painful. But now...

"Now the person who helped kidnap Bakugo tells me she's my sister the only way she can. The only way she can to make me believe her, and I don't want to believe her. But- but I can't help but feel she's telling me the truth, she is my sister. And I just don't know how to cope with that." I took a deep breath and looked at my two best friends.

Kyoka spoke first, "Is there anyone else who could know about your childhood hero names? Anyone at all?"

I shook my head, "No, we only ever played when we were alone."

It was silent again until Shoto said something that simultaneously made me hopeful and scared, "Well it's settled then, there are no other possibilities, your sister survived the fire and now she is here to see you."

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