Chapter 5: A Reunion

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 The next morning you started packing up your things, since Momo told her class about you and it was only a matter of time before someone came to arrest you. Due to the early time - the sun had barely started rising - you were more than a little surprised when you turned around to see your sister. (You were still wearing your mask - you don't take it off unless battling flames)

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"What does it look like? You told your little friends about me, I have to leave if I don't want to be arrested. And don't try and deny it, I heard you talking to them."

Momo shifted uncomfortably, "I'm sorry about that, but they said they weren't going to tell anyone."

"Ya, like that reassures me," you looked at the girl in front of you, she seemed as if she was having a debate in her head, "What are you thinking about?"

She startled at the sound of your voice interrupting her train of thought, "I was just wondering why I feel so inclined to not report you. You're a villain, you helped kidnap one of my classmates, so, why? Why do I need to keep you safe?"

You smiled internally, she feels it too. Even if she doesn't know what it is, the bond between family, between sisters. "Tell you what, I'll stick around here until lunch, you can come and talk to me then. Until then, you should be getting going," with that you turned around and continued packing your small amount of supplies. When you turned back around, she was gone. Guess you'll see what she decided to do later.

At lunch you sat watching the front doors of U.A. You saw Momo walk out and start heading towards your building, but she didn't seem to notice the group of people following her, lead by the purple-haired girl and Todorki. You watched as they all started coming up to where you were going to meet your sister.

"Ehem? Uhhhh, I'd say your name, but I don't know it."

You turned around, "You can call me Yin," you were hoping for a reaction, after all, it was your childhood nicknames, and you got one. Momo looked visibly taken aback when you said your name.

"Yin...?" she whispered, "W-why Yin? That can't be your actual name right?"

You shrugged, "It's a long story."

"Ok, anyway about this morning-"

"Hold on," you interrupted her, "aren't you going to introduce me to your fan club over there?" you gestured to the poorly hidden people behind her.

"What?" Momo turned around and caught sight of her classmates, "What are you guys doing here?"

A boy with spiky red hair stepped forward, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, "We were just worried about you after you told us about, uhm," he glanced over to you, you were playing with one of your katanas, "uhm, anyway we wanted to make sure you were ok."

Momo smiled softly, "You guys didn't need to worry, Yin wouldn't hurt me." You nodded.

Then Todoroki stepped in front of Momo and the purple-haired girl stood beside her. "I didn't want to believe Momo when she told us that a villain was here," he said, "but now I can see it for myself, and we have no choice but to restrain and report you."

You glared at him, "You will not be restraining anyone," you brought both your katanas in front of you defensively, your stuff already secured on your back, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving." You turned slightly.

"No, wait!" Momo shouted out, "What about my questions?"

The class looked at her, "Yaomomo what are you talking about? She's a villain, why would she answer your questions? Much less answer them honestly?" The purple-haired girl asked, you then decided you didn't really like her either.

Momo looked back at you, "I-I just, know."

You grinned, "Well let's just say," you turned back around and picked up one of the small rocks that littered the roof, "I'm the yin to your yang," you activated your quirk and felt the familiar rush of power as it crumbled, "the destruction, to your creation."

Momo gasped, finally connecting the pieces. And as she was just about to reach out to you, you turned and jumped away.

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