[6] m/n

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97_m/n: good morning gamers, i'll be posting my hw on here since @kookingbadgrades was a good model

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97_m/n: good morning gamers, i'll be posting my hw on here since @kookingbadgrades was a good model


kookingbadgrades yessirrrrrrr
>kookingbadgrades ngl, this was a really fun photo shoot
>97_m/n that's because it wasn't last minute lmao
>kookingbadgrades true, you usually have me doing poses so fast that i feel like i'm gonna get a cramp from posing too fast
>97_m/n how does that even work-
>kookingbadgrades idk man, sometimes it just happens

sehunty good morning 🤤
>sehunty what, you look cute
>kookingbadgrades ArE yOu bLinD @sehunty
>sehunty LOOOOL let me give him compliments @kookingbadgrades

i'm ready for school to end LOL

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