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After the call, Eunwoo immediately made a group Facetime with the group chat to help him pick out an outfit. The call had went well since M/n told the other that they were going to go on a date.

"This is so basic." Eunwoo whined as he looked at his outfit in the mirror while propping his phone on a stand so that his friends could see.

"Well I mean, you make any basic outfit look very sophisticated." Sanha said while taking a bite of his pastry that he got from his part time job.

Smiling at the compliment, Eunwoo thanked his friend and decided to the end the call since M/n was going to arrive anytime soon. While waiting, he was going to use that time to mentally prepare himself. This was going to be Eunwoo's first date and with his friends being crackheads, he barely had any good advice.

While waiting, Eunwoo watched tv for half an hour before getting a notification from his phone saying that M/n was outside. Quickly putting on his shoes, Eunwoo opened the door to see M/n smiling with a bouquet of flowers.

"I'm sorry if you have allergies, I just thought these flowers suited you." M/n awkwardly explained as Eunwoo shyly thanked him and set them on his coffee table inside since he didn't want M/n to wait.

"I'll water them when I get back home." Eunwoo sheepishly smiled, making M/n chuckle and lead the way to his car.

The sun was nearly setting when they were out for their date, but that wasn't going to stop the two boys. M/n planned on taking Eunwoo to a restaurant that had a landscape view. Thankfully, it wasn't a fancy restaurant, it was simply a restaurant that was lucky enough to get an expensive view.

"This place may look expensive but it's actually not. My friends and I go here a lot on the weekends." M/n explained as he showed Eunwoo pictures of the restaurant when they came to a red light.

The car ride to the restaurant was a peaceful one with small talks here and there. Eunwoo was honestly too busy worrying if he should say anything to kill the awkward silence or if he should just sit still and admire M/n. The model didn't know how exactly he felt for M/n, but he did know that he enjoyed the photographer's presence.

Once they arrived at the restaurant, M/n quickly left his side of the car to open Eunwoo's door. "I'm just being a gentleman." M/n chuckled as Eunwoo thanked him.

The restaurant definitely looked expensive but M/n reassured multiple times on the way that he had nothing to worry about anyway. M/n was the one paying, not him.

"You're not with the crew?" One of the workers asked curiously when he saw M/n walking in with only Eunwoo.

Shaking his head, he and M/n did their handshake while walking to their table. Eunwoo simply thanked the worker and sat across from M/n. They were able to get a table that had an amazing view of the city and the sun setting.

"I'm sorry if I was too straightforward." M/n apologized only to make Eunwoo frown. This was already his second time apologizing today and Eunwoo wasn't a big fan of it.

Resting his chin on the palm of his hand, "You don't need to apologize, I just panicked when you asked me." Eunwoo could feel his cheeks turn a light shade of pink since he immediately thought back to when he went to ask his group chat what he should do.

M/n nodded his head and began to ask questions about Eunwoo's life so that he could know him better. Most of them were about his friends and how he majored in modeling. Eunwoo would ask the same questions back while taking mental notes on the topics that made him excited.

"Oh, but there is this one concept that I don't like." Eunwoo commented while taking a sip of his drink.

"And what would that be?" M/n asked and thanked the waiter when their food arrived.

"I don't like sharing my photographer with anyone else, especially if it's for group projects." Eunwoo huffed as he had a mini flashback to when he had to share his previous photographer with someone else because of a group project.

M/n only laughed since he found it adorable that Eunwoo didn't want to share him with anyone else. Soon after, the two boys are their food in comfortable silence with the background music playing quietly. There weren't a lot of people at the restaurant because of the location and the popularity amongst university students rather than adults.

"What should we do after this?" M/n asked as Eunwoo hummed in response.

M/n was only plan the dinner since he and Sehun took a little too long trying to find clothes that were going to be suitable for the date.

"Let's go to a karaoke!"

me swimming away from studying so that i can write


𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙁𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜. eunwoo x m!readerWhere stories live. Discover now