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To say that Eunwoo wasn't nervous would be an understatement. The poor model was nearly shaking from anxiety. He didn't want M/n to think that he was given a really bad partner because of how nervous he was.

"Ah~ what if he doesn't like me?" Eunwoo mumbled as he looked at his appearance in the reflection of his phone.

He didn't have time to put his contacts in so he simply grabbed them. The ride to the park was somewhat peaceful since there weren't a lot of people outside because of how cold it was. Looking down at his attire, Eunwoo was starting to regret not bringing his coat.

The two college students decided to meet at an empty concert hall that was right across the street so that they could walk around the park to get to know each other better. When Eunwoo has stepped off the bus, he simply looked around to find at least one person in the empty concert hall.

"Oh, Eunwoo? Nice to meet you in person." He heard someone say as Eunwoo saw M/n waving and walking towards him.

"He's cuter in person.." Eunwoo mumbled as he waved and met M/n halfway.

They easily talked without the fear of there ever being an awkward moment. M/n would explain how he would always want to take pictures of someone in the park since he thought it was the prettiest sight.

"Did you not bring a heavier coat?" M/n frowned when Eunwoo shook his head.

He was only wearing a zip up and a white long sleeve since he was in a rush. Eunwoo might've had a fashion brain fart because he tried on many different outfits but none of them satisfied the model.

Taking off his black padded coat, "I would feel really bad if I got you sick again." M/n spoke as he gave his coat to Eunwoo.

He hesitantly took the coat and could immediately feel the warmth. Eunwoo tried his best not to blush when he saw M/n smile, knowing that he was warm. To M/n, he may have only been doing it out of kindness. But to Eunwoo, he couldn't help it when his heart skipped a beat.

"Should I show you the spot then?" M/n asked as Eunwoo nodded his head and walked quietly beside the photographer.

They walked in comfortable silence as simple sentences would be brought up here and there. Most of the topics were about how they were doing in school and them liking their major.

When they had gotten to the spot, M/n began to set up as he waited for Eunwoo to get himself ready. He had actually called his good friend, Jungwoo, who's majoring under cosmetics to help Eunwoo with simple things.

"Woowoo, glad you could make it." M/n smiled when he saw his close friend walking over to him with his multiple boxes that had wheels.

"When I heard that Eunwoo was your partner, I got here as fast as possible." Jungwoo laughed as he gave Eunwoo a small bow and introduced himself to the model.

Once everyone was ready, M/n began to take photos of Eunwoo while letting him play whatever songs so that he could get into the mood. M/n was never picky with how his models should act since he believed the picture comes out best when they're being themselves.

After about two hours of taking photos, M/n had called Eunwoo over to take a look at the pictures. Since it was on his camera, they had to stand pretty close together which only made it hard for Eunwoo since he was trying to his his blush.

"Are you sick again? We should end it now so I won't get scolded by your friends." M/n joked as he was mostly concerned about Eunwoo's health when he saw how red he was.

Eunwoo only nodded and stood where Jungwoo was to talk about things that they found interesting. The model's face was still red and Jungwoo let out a light sigh, knowing the exact reason.

"From the pictures, I think you two are going to work out perfectly." Jungwoo spoke to Eunwoo and gave a small smile before telling M/n that he was going to head back to see his boyfriend.

M/n drove to the park and felt bad that he didn't offer to pick Eunwoo up. So to make it up, he asked the model if he could take him home.

"I think we'll make great a team." 


𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙁𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜. eunwoo x m!readerWhere stories live. Discover now