[16] m/n

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iMessage Group Chat

SeNd mEmEs

m/n: hey gamerz

jungkook: hey boomer

m/n: i don't like you

jungkook: muah

yugyeom: whats up losers

jungkook: m/n let's fight yugyeom together

m/n: bet

m/n: anyway, my new partner is eunwoo and ngl he's cute

jungkook: I KNOW RIGHT

jungkook: that's why i said that you're blessed bruh

m/n: we're gonna take test shots tomorrow but he's sick so i can just tell him that we can just cancel

yugyeom: did you tell him that already

m/n: i said something along those lines

yugyeom: howd he respond

m/n: he said that he's been taking a shit ton of medicine and he feels better already. and that he feels bad for canceling since i took time out of my busy schedule apparently

jungkook: since when did you have a busy schedule

yugyeom: ^!!!!

sehun: the only time you're busy is when you leave us on read to go take pictures


jungkook: bruh you're actually active in this gc

sehun: only because i miss y'all

yugyeom: aw we love you

jungkook: continue m/n LMAO

m/n: he's almost like a lil baby

sehun: how

m/n: idk i can't really explain it since he just texted me


Direct Message


i took medicine!
so im perfectly fine for tomorrow!

don't overwork yourself pls
ik you're still getting over your cold but are you fine with doing it outside? i found this really nice place that i think will look good

ofc! you're the photographer~
i'll see you tomorrow then^^

double update because there's a lot of chapters that are just waiting to be published LOL

𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙁𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜. eunwoo x m!readerWhere stories live. Discover now