[13] eunwoo

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direct message


hey i just wanted to check in on you
if you're still feeling under the weather next week, we can always reschedule

i don't wanna waste your time since we already decided to meet up on friday :(
don't worry i'll make sure to take a lot of medicine so i'll be better !

lmao don't take too much medicine


iMessage Group Chat


mj: so we're all gonna ignore the fact that moonbin was already following m/n and that m/n commented on eunwoo's latest post

rocky: well i was planning to ignore the last one but i didn't know that moonbin follows m/n already

moonbin: i found him on my discover page so i just followed him

sanha: can we actually talk about eunwoo's sickly self ;-; i hope he's doing well

jin jin: knowing him, he's probably still glowing even while being sick

mj: imagine being naturally beautiful

moonbin: LOL

mj: well if you're on, ((((eunwoo)))) then respond plth

jinjin: ew whyd you spell it like tht

mj: because i'm better than all of you hA

sanha: oh-

eunwoo: hello everyone 😷

eunwoo: i have exciting news for y'all

mj: aw you didn't have to uh me something eunwoo🥺

rocky: bruh i cant with you

eunwoo: i'm meeting up with m/n next friday so that's we can get used to working with each other

moonbin: do i smell a date

sanha: ^!!!!!!!

eunwoo: noooo it's just us working

jinjin: that's what they all say

mj: have fun on your dateeee

eunwoo: it's not a date >:(

rocky: i wanna see the results when you guys get done with the shoot

sanha: same !!!

eunwoo: lolol okay i'll make sure to have him email them when that happens

mj: wowowowow i can't wait

𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙁𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜. eunwoo x m!readerWhere stories live. Discover now