[34] m/n

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iMessage Group Chat

SeNd mEmEs

m/n: i'm fucked

sehun: ??

jungkook: who knew you were a bottom👀

yugyeom: no bottoms allowed, we're all tops here


m/n: y'all this new project,,,,,

sehun: sometimes i forget that i graduated a year before you guys-

yugyeom: hA bOOMER

jungkook: whats the project tho

m/n: a group project-

yugyeom: whats so wrong about that? do you have ppl that don't do shit ?

m/n: no, eunwoo hates sharing his photographer

sehun: im sure he'll understand though

m/n: hopefully....

jungkook: just tell him bro

yugyeom: and then tell him that you'll make it up to him after the project is done

sehun: ^!!!!

m/n: i guess :\\

sehun: i think he likes you enough to understand that much

m/n: hopefully :\ imma go tell him then..

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