[27] eunwoo

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iMessage Group Chat



jin jin: yikes you never use memes unless you're in a tough situation

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jin jin: yikes you never use memes unless you're in a tough situation

jin jin: whats up

eunwoo: m/n asked me out on a date and i said let me think about it because i was a little too shook from him asking me so i completely shot him down but yet again it was only our first time meeting so it's not like he fell for me from meeting me once right? but that's only because i literally blushed the whole entire time that we were together and i just couldn't help but think that if we did go on a date together what it would be like and then ppl messaged me asking if m/n was single and i just wanted to say no but then mj asked and he said yes and eJDNANDNFN that's just how i feel

mj: o.

mj: we love the random keyboard smash

jin jin: that's a lot of words

eunwoo: you guys are no helppppp

jin jin: maybe you should explain your side of the story since he thought he 'jumped the gun'

rocky: i just got done reading that message, but i totally agree with jin jin

rocky: it's better to message him and tell m/n that you were too happy to send a real message

moonbin: communication is key to relationships

mj: ^!!!!!!!!!!!

eunwoo: but i wanna see him :(

sanha: don't you know where he works

eunwoo: okay im not that brave yet

sanha: how about calling him

jin jin: that way you won't see him but you can still hear him even though you wanna see him???? creepppyyyy

mj: LOL

mj: calling is a good step

jin jin: alexa, okay Psycho by Red Velvet

eunwoo: >:(

eunwoo: okay, i'll go with calling first and then hopefully he'll answer ;-;

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