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Over the months of talking to Eunwoo, it was obvious that M/n had fallen hard for the model. After the group project and then going on a date,
M/n has been thinking of many ways to tell Eunwoo he felt about him.

His friends told him to do it the classic way with flowers and him plainly confessing. But M/n didn't want to be basic, especially since he was dating such a beautiful person.

With that being said, M/n went over the pictures that they took together and printed them out. He was planning on giving Eunwoo a photo album with each page talking about how M/n felt whenever they were together. He purposely left the back pages empty so they could take more pictures and add them to the collection.

"Hey, loser. You're here early." Jungkook greeted M/n with Yugyeom beside him.

Playfully rolling his eyes, M/n greeted his friends back with the same insult. "Eunwoo has a class soon so I wanted to give it to him before he goes." M/n explained as he checked his phone for any notifications from the model.

Since Yugyeom and Jungkook were studying the major, they had most of their classes together. They left to go to class, leaving M/n alone once again.

M/n waited for another ten minutes before seeing Eunwoo approaching with his bright smile. Before he could even approach Eunwoo, M/n was cut off by the freshman that was in his group.

"M/n! Glad I ran into you, is it okay if I ask you to carry some boxes to the class with me?" The freshman asked as she pointed to a couple of boxes that were at the bench.

Looking past her shoulder, M/n couldn't help but let out a defeated sigh when he no longer saw Eunwoo.

"Sure, let me just call someone real quick." M/n smiled as she skipped back to the bench and gathered her strength to carry a box.

As the phone rang, M/n started to feel anxious with every ring passing by. He didn't want the chance to slip away so easily, it wouldn't be right.

"Eunwoo, skip your first class and meet me at the bench that's near the entrance." M/n quickly spoke into the phone as soon as Eunwoo answered.

Jogging over to the freshman, M/n grabbed the box and followed her to the classroom. "I'm sorry, my girlfriend was supposed to be here but her morning practice isn't over." She apolitically explained, knowing that she messed something up.

It was clear that the freshman didn't mean no harm, especially since she had a girlfriend. M/n dismissed the apology and decided to tell her about his plan for Eunwoo. Her face lit up with excitement before her smile dropped once again.

"Wait, do you think he was upset when we were partnered up during the project? I feel so bad now! I'm a bad classmate." The girl pouted as M/n stifled a chuckle.

"Thanks to you, I was able to go on a date with him. So I should be thanking you." M/n responded as she hummed in response.

When they dropped the boxes off, the girl's girlfriend was waiting at the classroom with a frown on her face. M/n awkwardly left and for freshman thanked him before leaving as well.

By the time M/n jogged back to the bench, he was exhausted and didn't even notice Eunwoo waving at him. Catching his breath, M/n sat beside him as he propped his head on the other's shoulder.

"You look like you just ran a marathon." Eunwoo teased as he ran his fingers through M/n's hair. The birds quietly chirped in the background, making the setting even more relaxing than it already was.

Standing up, M/n reached inside his bag to grab the neatly wrapped photo album. Eunwoo watched curiously as he thanked M/n for the present.

"It's not my birthday." Eunwoo deadpanned as M/n couldn't help but laugh.

"I know that, it's a gift to show how grateful I am. I'm not good with words but whenever I'm with you I get this beautiful feeling. It's warm and cozy, your cute personality makes me want to protect you from the world and cherish every moment I have with you. Also, your smile just brightens up my whole day, what dentistry do you go to? Anyway, what I'm saying is that I really like you, Eunwoo."


i was gonna end the story like this but i thought about it some more and i was like nahhhhhh one or two more chapters will be fine

𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙁𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜. eunwoo x m!readerWhere stories live. Discover now