[28] eunwoo

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Eunwoo stared blankly at his phone screen that had M/n's contact information. He had messaged one of his friend asking if they could give M/n's number. Thankfully, Jungkook was more than happy to give the model M/n's number.

"Okay, I can do this." Eunwoo said as he took a deep breath in and went over the simple phrases that wouldn't need rehearsing.

Pressing the call option, Eunwoo listened to it ring three times before hearing M/n's voice on the other line.

"Hello?" M/n answered, confused as to why an unknown number called him.

"M-M/n, this is Eunwoo." The other replied as he heard M/n chuckle.

Eunwoo was already relieved when M/n picked up the call. But knowing that he wasn't sad about Eunwoo's response to going on a date, made him feel better.

"What's up? Is your group chat bullying you again?" M/n teased as he couldn't help but laugh.

Eunwoo huffed with his cheeks full of air. M/n was enjoying the moment of Eunwoo calling without an actual excuse to leave the group chat.

"No, I called because I maybe want to see you." Eunwoo mumbled the last part, making it hard for M/n to hear. Humming in response, the model cringed knowing that he might have to say it again.

"I didn't hear the last part, can you say it again?" M/n asked as Eunwoo sighed and mustered up the confidence that he had left to repeat his sentence.

"I said: I maybe want to see you.." Eunwoo replied only to be greeted with silence from M/n's end.

The quick flash of panic came to Eunwoo's mind when he didn't hear anything back from M/n. It was already two minutes and he doesn't know if
M/n decided to hang up as revenge or if he lost connection.

"Eunwoo, let's go on a date right now."

jdsn i have another instagram story that im making but this one might be a bottom male reader 👀

it all depends on who i wanna make it for-

𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙁𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜. eunwoo x m!readerWhere stories live. Discover now