Past life

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I can't believe I had a boyfriend.Tonight was the night I was going out. I stepped out the shower to hear someone knocking on the door. I went over to open the door to find it was my boyfriend I opened the door and hugged him. After that I let him in. He sat down on the sofa while I got dressed a put makeup and he looked at me and winked. We sat down together and hugged. I asked "do you want to go out and look at the sunset" he replied with "I would love to". I took his hand and ran out and giggled. We went to hill and sat close together and watched the sunset and the stars rise. We both looked into each other's eyes. It was the most memorable moment of my life. Our lips went together and it felt so real. I looked at the time and  I realised I had to go to the party with him. We rushed back and called an Uber. He made a joke about my name sounded like Uber so I playfully pushed him. I was already tired already but I knew I was going to enjoy this night. I kissed him on the head before I went in. I ran to all my girl friends and gave them all a big hug. I asked to grab them drink and they asked for what they wanted. I walked over to the bar and found him and I winked at him and he winked at me back. I walked back over to my friends. (Btw the girls are strictly pros). Half an hour went by and Dianne had already fell to sleep,Amy was trying not to fall asleep,Nadiya was still wide awake,Janette was with alijaz,Karen was mucking about,Katya was with neil,oti was asleep as well and Nancy was also asleep on dianne. I waved to Nadiya goodbye because I was feeling tired to. I gestured to my boyfriend to come on because I was tired and he lifted me up out of the bar. I went to the Uber and almost feel asleep but I couldn't help just looking at him. He was just.... handsome. I couldn't help but kiss him. I walked into the door and pushed him against the door and we went into a full make out with him. He has lipstick smudged all over his face. After that he knocked me onto the sofer and he's started to grind on me. It just felt so nice. He un zipped my dress and I un buttoned shirt. Well let your minds run free on what happened next. I woke up the next morning and just went as it as a normal day. I walked downstairs and got ready for dance and got an Uber for dance. I was driving through the city then I thought oh shit because I remembered what happend last night. I can't really remember weather we used.... Stop thinking about it Luba you will just worry about it. I was feeling a bit off today but I wouldn't worry about it. I carried on dancing through out the day and I kept being so self conscious of myself because I felt like everyone was staring at me. They probably was looking at me because of last night or somthing because I didn't say goodbye or something like that. I carried on. Until that night dianne came over to me and asked "not to be rude but you look really ill and it looks like you have gained a bit of weight". I ran off how can someone say something like that. I put hands over my eyes and sat on the floor. No one came after me. After that I left without telling anyone. I left got a taxi and went back. I ran back in and gave my boyfriend a massive hug. He asked why I was back so early and I answered. He gave me a massive hug and said he was calling up work so I didn't have to go in tommrow. That night I went to bed early. Then I woke up with the urge to be sick. Maybe I was.... oh shut up Luba I said to myself. All of sudden that urge to be sick came back again and I was. Ugh. Why didn't I think before. I've only been with him a month. I told him I had been sick and he said it's a good job I kept you off work wasn't it. I looked at him and smiled. I said "I'm going to the shops" then he replied "no don't your ill" then I replied with "I know why i might be ill". His face went into total shock. I left the house. And bought what I needed to buy. I have to cover up so no one noticed me. I got back. He was just sat on the sofa eating brakefast enjoying himself. I walked straight into the bathroom because I couldn't wait any longer. I grabbed it and read the instructions. Not long after i found out I was pregnant.... 9 months later she was born a beautiful little girl named Erica . After that my boyfriend broke up with me realising that having a child was to much. Now Erica was 3 and I still hadn't told anyone about her. She was my life and my unknown daughter. Only person who knew was her and her family not including her friends....

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