Sad times

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It was the next morning Erica forgot what happened last night so now she is back to her bubbly self.
"So Erica what do you want for breakfast" Dianne asks as she gets everything out.
"ICE CREAM" Erica shouts.
"Ice cream"? Dianne questions
"Yep" Erica says
"Go on then but I swear to god don't tell mummy otherwise I would probably not be able to look after you" Dianne says know what Luba is like.
Erica placed her finger of her lip to say it was a secret. Dianne got a few flavours out of freezer and Erica pick mint choc chip. Erica was getting really giddy. When the Dianne brought the ice cream over to Erica she was jumping in her seat.
"Thank you Diwanne"
"Your welcome Erica" Dianne says going to hug Erica. Dianne went to make her breakfast while the excitable toddler was eating her ice cream. After that they they both got dressed and said goodbye to joe and they set off to the studio.
"Diwanne my legs are tired" Erica complained
Dianne lifted her up as they walked all the way their. They arrived and Dianne let Erica down to go and find Luba.
Erica nudged Dianne
"Where's mummy" she asked.
"Has Luba signed in yet" Dianne asked the receptionist.
They shook their head.
"She not here yet" Dianne replied
Erica sat at the door while waiting for Luba to arrive. It had been half an hour as she was still sat at the door waiting for her until Amy came up behind her and said
"Are you waiting for Luba Erica" Amy said
Erica nods.
"Do you want to come with me to Dianne" Amy asks
"No I want to stay here" Erica demanded.
"Well if you want to come you can just go over their" Amy says pointing to the door. Erica sat their just waiting for her mum to come. An hour later she saw a tall women with ombré hair coming towards the door.
"MUMMY" she yelled giving Luba the biggest hug she had ever given her.
Luba didn't say anything so Erica runned after her trying to catch by the time they got to her dressing room she was out of breath. Luba sat down and just looked at Erica. Tears started to from in her eyes.
"Mummy what's wrong" Erica said hugging her arms around her as much as possible.
Luba didn't answer again. By this point Erica had moved onto Luba's lap.
"Do you want me to go mummy because I will go if you want me to" Erica said frowning because all she wanted do was see her mum.
Luba shook her head.
"Erica can you lock the door" Luba said.
"Okay" Erica went over and locked the door.
"Mummy will you tell me what's wrong I'm worried" Erica said looking up into her eyes.
"Yes I'm upset because of me and Payton leaving I've never made it to black pool and I've been on the show 3 years with a partner" Luba said truthfully.
"Mummy we can dance togwether in Blackpool I'll ask" Erica said hugging trying to cheer her up.
Luba had a little grin on her face. Erica jumped off her lap and unlocked the door and went on a search for the producers. She had met them before so she knew what they look like.
"What you doing Erica" Amy said
"I'm doing something secretive shhh"Erica replied.
Then she ran off. Finally she had found them she knocked on the door and walked in.
She got up in one of the seats so they could see them.
"Why are you here" a producer says
"I'm here because my mummy is upset and I want to make her happy" Erica says
"Carry on" the producer says.
"Can I perform with my mummy in blackpool plwease" Erica said pulling puppy eyes.
"Okay.... and is Luba okay with that" producer asks.
"Yeh she's fine with it" said Erica
"Deal then" says the producer
"Thank you" says Erica jumping up and down.
Blackpool is next week how will it work out?
Thanks for reading x
Thanks for strictlyy.edits for the idea x
Bye x

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