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Today was the day Luba was going decide weather to let the pros see her baby after three years or not. Even though it's not as big as the deal Luba kept over thinking it. Like what would they think of Erica. She woke up the next morning with Erica still sleeping she snook out of the room and walked to make her cup of coffee. After a couple of minutes went by and all that was heard was little footsteps coming out of the room. Erica came out rubbing her eyes and running to hug Luba. The Russian girl rubbed her kid's shoulder and asked "are you feeling better princess". Erica nodded. Luba sat their and thought about her decision. Then she had a thought they were probably gonna find out anyway. So she decided to take her. "Baby do you want see my other friends? She asked. Erica started jumping up and down even though she was sick just last night. It was almost time. Luba took a deep breath in and put Erica in the car seat. They started to drive. "Mummy r you crying" said Erica. Luba stifled abit but then said "I've just got somthing in my eyes". She was crying in nerves. She tried to keep it together as they was getting closer and closer. It was currently 8am so she could get their before any other pros got their so it's not to over welming. They arrive. Luba picks up up Erica and hurry's Im because she knows they will be here soon. She signs in and goes to her little resting room and placed her down. "Mummy where are we" Erica questions. "We are were mummy works sweet heart" she says calmly. Luba actually started to get a bit excited. "You stay here while mummy works" Luba says rubbing little legs. Erica nods in agreement and Luba goes off. 5,6,7,8. "LUBA" the instructors yell as she gets another move wrong" Luba rolls her eyes. After that they go for a brake. Luba rushes over to her resting place and looks at Erica because she was still feeling ify she was asleep on the sofa. Luba nudges her and she opens her eyes raises her arms up to gesture to get lifted up. Someone knocks on the door. "Who is it" Luba says trying to make sure no one that she doesn't want to see Erica come in. "It's Nadiya" the voice replys. Nadiya comes in slowly after Luba says she could. Once she saw Erica her face was in shock.... what was the others going to think.
Hi,I know some of this story is unrealistic but I try to make it as realistic as I can.
I will be updating this more as I'm off school.
Next chapter probably tommrow.
Thanks for reading x

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