6 / Ralph Tresvant

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"Christian if you don't get your narrow ass down here right now and wash these dishes

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"Christian if you don't get your narrow ass down here right now and wash these dishes. I swear to god you will come up missing." You yelled to your 13 year old.

You told him to wash the dishes 20 minutes ago and he has yet to do them. Just because he's been doing so well in basketball, he thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants.

Within minutes of you yelling your request, or more like command, Christian came walking into the kitchen with headmp3 players on and an attitude.

"Christian?" You spoke, but he kept walking past you and to the sink.

You know damn well he heard you. You walked over to him and snatched the headmp3 players from his ears and took his mp3 player into your hands.

"Hey!" He shouted at you, anger clear in his eyes. But you didn't care.

"Give me my shit."

Your eyebrows raised, and your head tilted to the side. Lately he's been disrespectful. Ignoring you, coming home late, talking to you any ol' way, and that was going to stop.

"Oh so now you're all big and bad to cuss at me now, huh? We'll see who's bad"

Within seconds you chucked his mp3 player right along with his headmp3 players against the wall. Cracking the the small machine as soon as it hit the wall. It bounced off the wall and onto the floor with a bang.

"What the hell!" Christian ran over to it and picked it up, pieces of the mp3 player falling to the floor in his hands.

Another set of footsteps came into the kitchen, gaining your attention. Standing at the threshold was Ralph, looking around to see if everything was okay. He looked from you and then to Christian.

Christian threw the mp3 player back down, in anger and made his way towards you. He walked as if he was trying to intimidate you, like he was going to throw hands.

But before he could get to you Ralph yanked him back, the size and height difference evident. Ralph beat him by a lot.

Ralph pushed him against the wall, pulling him up off the floor by the collar of his shirt.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Christian?" He yelled straight into his face.

Before Christian could respond Ralph continued.

"I know for damn sure you weren't about to hit your mother." You could hear the anger seeping from Ralph and the fear seeping from Christian.

Ralph let Christian go but blocked him off so he couldn't move.

"I will kick your ass if you ever try something like that again. You better be glad that you even have a fucking mom. Some kids don't have one and here yo stupid ass trying shit like this. I see you think you big and bad because you make a couple of 3's. Lets see how far your ass get without me or your mothers' help since you want to be disrespectful." With that Ralph punched him in his chest, knocking some of the wind out of him.

"Now apologize to your mother!"

You walked over towards Ralph and pulled him away and went over to your son. You helped him stand up straight since he was bending over breathing hard.

"I'm sorry ma." Christian walked out the kitchen and upstairs.

You turned around and saw Ralph shaking his head, sighing. You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist, looking up at him.

He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer.

"I don't know what got into that boy."

"Calm down Aug." You hugged him.

"I just can't believe he was really about to do that. We raised him better than that." He sighed.

"Yeah I know, I'm disappointed too. You just need to calm down a bit."

You put your hands on his cheek and pulled him down, pulling him into a distracting kiss.

He pulled his away and rested his head against your forehead.

"Both of you need time to cool off and after that talk to him. In the meantime, he needs to come finish these dishes." You pulled away from him .

"And sweep up his mp3 player pieces." You added and looked at the corner where the mp3 player was.

Ralph shook his head, "How did you manage to do that?"

"Never piss of a pregnant woman." You whispered, but not low enough.


"Nothing." You shouted and walked towards the kitchen exit.

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