7 / Bobby Brown

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"What the hell was that, Bobby?!" you shouted, as you threw your bag across the living room.

Bobby was hot on your heel, following you from the front door into the living room. You paced up and down the room, hands on you hips, head down, trying to make sense of all that just happened. One minute, you were on a date with a guy from work and the next minute you saw Bobby punching him in the face and giving him a black eye.

"Baby please let me explain..." he said, reaching out to hold onto your arm

"No" you pulled your arm away from him. "Don't touch me right now."

You watched as Bobby sighed and dropped his head in shame. He knew what he did was wrong. He couldn't help it. It was the first date you had been on in a while and you had told him how excited you were. He remembered the way your face lit up when you told him about it. He tried to act interested and excited for you, even though it pained him inside.

He stood with his hands on his hips, watching you. Waiting for you to calm down before he said anything else. You sat yourself down on the sofa and looked at him for the first time. He saw tears forming in your eyes and it broke his heart knowing that he had been the reason for them. It was never his intention to hurt you.

"What's going on, Bobby? Why did you ruin my first date in god knows how many months?" you spoke with venom in your voice, wiping away the tears. It hurt him but he knew that he deserved it.

"I just... I don't know what to tell you... I'm sorry" he lied.

He knew that if he told you the real reason, it could break your friendship with him. He couldn't bare to lose you out of his life, even if it meant that he never told you the truth.

"You always do this! Every time I find someone and you ruin it somehow. Why?"

Bobby stood there, silently. You sighed, you should have guessed he would have been stubborn.

"C'mon Bobby. Please don't lie to me. Why did you do that? What, were you annoyed?"

Bobby continued to stand there, refusing to answer. He was getting on your nerves. You knew you had to push his buttons to get a reaction from him.

"So... suddenly I've gotten a little attention from someone and you flip your lid because I can't be here to clean up your messy one night stands."

"That's not why I... " he groaned and turned around, refusing to face you.

He crossed his arms and hoped that if he was silent for long enough, you'd get frustrated and leave. He had forgotten how you matched his stubborness and wouldn't be letting this go any time soon, when he felt your arm on his bicep, turning him around. You were inches away from him and he could smell your fragrance. It drove him insane, adding to his already frustrated mind.

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