20 / Morris Chestnut

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Despite being in the late hours, New York was still brightly lit while the loud noises still took place, as if it was still day

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Despite being in the late hours, New York was still brightly lit while the loud noises still took place, as if it was still day. Walking beside Morris, you couldn't help the content sigh that passed through the seams of your lips.

Your mind was quick to become clouded with thoughts about Morris. He had quickly become someone of importance in your life. Rarely were you seen without the other, especially when working on set. He would always make time to sneak away from his own project to visit you and spend breaks with you. Another sigh passed through your lips, as you gazed up at him. As you took in his features, you were able to make out a playful smirk that made its way along his lips.

"What?" He questioned, halting his movements, turning to face you

"Hm?" You asked. "Oh. Um. Nothing." You shrugged.

Giving you a knowing look, he raised an eyebrow at you.

"Come on, Y/N." He spoke, nudging you slightly "I know you like the back of my hand."

"I...I was just thinking about our friendship." You stated nonchalantly as you resumed walking in the direction of Morris's place.

"Wait!" He yelled from behind you wrapping his hand gently around your wrist, pulling you to a stop.

"What?" You questioned in a weak voice.

"What...What were you thinking about...of our.." His voice trailed off before letting out a disappointed sigh. "Friendship."

In that moment, it was unknown whether it was the years of built-up tension or the way the city lights gleamed in his eyes. You moved to press yourself up against him anchoring your hands on the nape of his neck. Nudging his nose with yours, fireworks erupted in your stomach.

Placing your lips gently over his, you kissed him. The kiss was short as you bolted away from him, gazing at him apologetically.

"I'm...I'm so sorry." You sputtered out before turning to face the street, about to hail a taxi.

A firm hand grasped your wrist, spinning you to face the person. Your gaze was captured by Morris's. As you were about to spew a string of excuses, his large hands cradled the back of your head, as he angled it upward allowing him to place his lips upon yours.

Closing your eyes, you were overcome by the moment. Placing your hands on his waist, you pulled him snug against you. His hands slipping down to your hips, as yours glided up into the cape of his neck. Biting your bottom lip, a gasp fell from your lips as you were taken by surprise.

Taking the opportunity, his tongue slipped into your mouth, tracing along your teeth before sliding against yours. A moan escaped his lips at the contact of your tongue against his. Hearing Morris's sensual moan, you pressed yourself impossibly closer to him. His hand sliding down your backside giving you a gentle squeeze.

The unfamiliar touch caused another gasp to slip past your lips. Pulling away, you rested your forehead against his, as you exchanged breathes of pants. 

A car horn caused you both to jump. Pulling you back to reality, you realized you and Morris had just made out on the streets of New York, where prying eyes could see.

Just as you were about to speak, something wet and cold came in contact with your cheek. Furrowing your eyebrows together in confusion, you gazed at Morris who mirrored your expression. Wiping away the substance, it didn't take long before rain was falling from the sky.

Giggling, you grasped Morris's hand before you both bolted down the street in a hurry to make it to his apartment. If it was any other day you would pissed about your hair getting wet, but in that moment you could care less.

Making your way into his apartment, you quickly took off your shoes.

"Come on, let's get out of these soaked clothes." Morris grinned, as he laced his hand with yours leading you to his bedroom.

Releasing your hand, he glided around his room pulling clothes from his dresser. Grinning, he handed you a pile of his clothes. A t-shirt, which fell almost to your knees, and a pair of boxers he's never worn. Returning his grin, you turned on your heel making your way towards the bathroom.

Closing the door, you leaned against it letting your head silently fall against it as a grin returned to your lips. Fireworks erupted in your stomach causing a fluttering feeling.

Changing into the clothes Morris handed you, his aroma filled your nose as you were overwhelmed by the feeling of comfort. Venturing back to his bedroom, you saw he was already in bed beneath the blankets awaiting your return. Smiling, you placed your clothes on the ground before sliding beneath the blankets. Opening his arms, you crawled over to him placing your head on his chest, wrapping your arms around him.

Doing the same to you, your ears were filled with the melody of his beating heart. Leaning down, he placed a kiss on your hair. In mere seconds, you were overwhelmed with sleep as your eyelids grew heavier and heavier with each breath. The sound of his heart lulling you to sleep.


Standing behind the wall, you stood beside Morris as your hands were linked. Giving you a reassuring squeeze you awaited the cue from Arsenio Hall. Bringing your gaze towards Morris, you were surprised to see his gaze was already on you.

"Give it up for Morris Chestnut and Y/N L/N!" The audience clapped, hooped, and hollered as they welcomed you to the show.

Letting out a shaky sigh, you let go of Morris's hand frowning slightly in the process, as you followed him out. Both of you waving at the crowd and smiling, as you made your way to your respective seats.

"Thank you both for being here," Arsenio spoke hugging you and dapping up Morris.

"Thanks for having us." Both you and Morris spoke at the same time.

Grinning at each other, you giggled.

As the interview went on, you were able to relax as Morris answered the harder more prying questions allowing you to keep calm.

"So," Arsenio spoke. "Are you two dating?"

He questioned smirking as he placed his chin in his palm wiggling his eyebrows at you and Morris expectantly.

Opening and closing your mouth, you were at a loss for words. I mean were you two dating?

Exchanging a look, you lifted your curled middle finger over your index finger, as Morris did the same.

"Honors scout" You both say laughing, making the crowd laugh.

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